TIAMSA Member News: Book Presentation “Arts et politiques. Le marché de l’art entre France et Allemagne de l’Entre-deux-guerres à la Libération” (INHA Paris, 9 May 2022, 18h30)
La nouvelle séance du séminaire « Patrimoine spolié pendant la période du nazisme (1933-1945) – Conséquences, mémoires et traces de la spoliation », sera consacrée à la parution prochaine du livre “Arts et politiques. Le marché de l’art entre…
TIAMSA Member News: ANN: Evening Lectures of the “Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies” (online, 24 Jan (in German), 31 Jan (in English), 14 Feb (in German) 2022)
In dieser Vortragsreihe werden aktuelle Forschungen zu den historischen und gegenwärtigen Spannungsfeldern und Dynamiken zwischen Kunsthandel, Kunstpolitik und institutionalisierter Kunstwelt präsentiert und zur Diskussion gestellt.
CfP: Journal of Surrealism and the Americas: Surrealism and the 1960s Americas
Call for papers for Journal of Surrealism and the Americas Special IssueSurrealism and the 1960s Americas, Fall 2022 Paulina Caro Troncoso, Guest Editor Deadline for abstracts: 20 Dec 2021
EXH / CONF: Paintings, Politics & the Monuments Men (online / Cincinnati Art Museum, 24 Sep 2021, 10am EDT)
Symposium held in conjunction with the exhibition “Paintings, Politics and the Monuments Men: the Berlin Masterpieces in America“ (Cincinnati Art Museum, 9 July – 3 October 2021) This virtual symposium expands upon themes of…
TIAMSA Blog: Effects of the Corona Crisis on German Art Galleries.
The Meltdown – German Art Gallery Sales Drop to Zeroby Kristian Jarmuschek & Birgit Maria Sturm “We just moved into a new location, we and our artists were looking forward to the opening. We…
WORKSHOP: Art Markets and Politics. State Control and Trade in Global Perspective, Berlin Nov 5, 2016
Forum Kunst und Markt/Center for Art Market Studies, Institute of Art History and Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universität Berlin Room H 1035 in the Main Building of the TU Berlin, Straße des…