ANN: CAS Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär (Study Course, Fachhochschule Bern, Switzerland 2023-2024)
Professionalisierung im multidisziplinären Team: Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten und kombinieren Sie diese nutzbringend mit jenen anderer Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten. Empfohlen von ICOM Schweiz – Internationaler Museumsrat Der Studiengang: • richtet sich…
ANN: Workshop – Provenance Research in Action: Theory, Tools and Implementation (London, 12-16 Jun 2023)
The Society of the History of Collecting, in partnership with some of the most relevant London-based museums, libraries and academic institutions, will run a week-long, hands-on, workshop on provenance research and due diligence…
CFP: Edited Volume: Collecting and the Value of Provenance
Contributions are being sought for a peer-reviewed, English-language edited volume on the value of provenance in collecting and art market practices. This book, to be edited by Christian Huemer and Johannes Nathan, and…
CONF: Going Global: New Challenges in the Field of Provenance Research (Romont, 15 Sep 2022)
Provenance research is not only a central field of museum activity, but has also increasingly become the focus of academic research. Since the 2018 report edited by Bénédicte Savoy and Felwine Sarr on…
TIAMSA Member News: “Collecting and the Value of Provenance” – Session VI of the 5th Swiss Congress for Art History, chaired by Christian Huemer and Johannes Nathan (Univ. of Zurich, 23 June 2022)
Provenance information can significantly increase or diminish an artwork’s intrinsic and monetary value. In addition, the relative weight given to provenance information has in itself been subject to momentous revaluations in the course of time….
CFP: transfer – Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection (2022)
The online journal transfer is an academic publication platform in the area of provenance research and the history of collection as well as adjacent fields of investigation, like art market studies, reception history,…
TIAMSA Member News: Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich – 12th Conference “Studies on Provenance and Collecting” (online, 28 Apr 21; in German)
Kolloquium Provenienz- und Sammlungsforschung XII: Das Kriterium „Marktpreis“ in der „Handreichung“ und Quellen zum Kunsthandel im Nationalsozialismus.