ANN: Latest Publications from TIAMSA members
Dear TIAMSA Members, We are excited to share the latest publications from our members, offering insightful explorations into various facets of the art market: -Ambrosini, Lynne D. “Nicholas Longworth: Early Midwestern Activist Art…
CFP: Wax-resin lining: history, effects on paintings, consequences for conservation (University of Amsterdam)
The Amsterdam Wax-Resin Project (AWRP) at the department Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is preparing a publication on wax-resin lining. Authors are invited to submit an…
ANN: Share your latest publications
Dear TIAMSA Subscribers, As part of our commitment to fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration within ourcommunity, we invite you to share your latest publications with us. Whether it’s a book, article,or chapter related…
PUBL: Collecting Latin America (Journal for Art Market Studies, vol. 7 no. 1, 2023)
Guest Editor: Martin Berger CONTENTS: Megan O’Neil, Mary E Miller:Stendahl Art Galleries in Europe: Expanding the Market for Pre-Hispanic Art at Mid-Century
TIAMSA Member News: Updated member discount code for the books in Brill’s series “Studies in the History of Collecting and Art Markets”.
This post or area is restricted to our paying members. If you are a member, please log in. Not a TIAMSA member yet? Have a look at our benefits and become a member here.
ANN: The “Art Market Dictionary” becomes “Bloomsbury Art Markets. Protagonists, Networks, Provenances”
Bloomsbury Publishing plc announces that it has signed an exclusive partnership to bring together the work of an international team of leading art historians in a ground-breaking new digital resource. Bloomsbury Art Markets – the former “Art Market…
CFP: The Small Periodicals of Expressionism / Die kleinen Zeitschriften des Expressionismus (Deutsches Literarturachiv Marbach, 24-25 Nov 22; in German)
Der Expressionismus hat eine nahezu unüberschaubare Zahl an Periodika hervorgebracht, in denen sich politische und ästhetische Debatten und Manifeste ebenso finden wie bildkünstlerische und literarische Werke. Während die ‚großen‘ Zeitschriften wie Der Sturm…
ANN: Book Presentation: “Vasarély – Le Pillage” (Galerie Denise René Paris, 8 Feb 2022, 17:30-19:30; in French)
A l’occasion de la parution du livre “Vasarely, Le pillage”, vous êtes conviés à rencontrer les auteurs Laetitia Sariroglou, journaliste spécialisée dans la chronique judiciaire à La Provence, et Pierre Vasarely, petit-fils et légataire universel de…
TIAMSA Live Book Discussion No. 5 – Paco Barragán, “From Roman Feria to Global Art Fair, From Olympia Festival to Neo-Liberal Biennial: On the ‘Biennialization’ of Art Fairs and the ‘Fairization’ of Biennials” (Online; 20 Jan 2022, 6.30pm CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its fifth book discussion – From Roman Feria to Global Art Fair, From Olympia Festival to Neo-liberal Biennial: On the ‘Biennialization’ of Art Fairs and the ‘Fairization’ of…