TIAMSA Member News: “NFTs – Just another Art Market Bubble?”, AfterWorkTalk at GSK Berlin, June 29, 7pm CET
Non-fungible token oder schlicht NFTs sind in aller Munde, nicht zuletzt deswegen, weil für sie mittlerweile mehrere Millionen Dollar ausgegeben werden und für sie innerhalb nur weniger Jahre ein Milliardenmarkt entstanden ist.
CONF: Crypto Art Conference (Zurich, 10 Jun 2022)
Discussion of crypto art from technological, artistic and legal perspectives.Venue – Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimplatz 1, 8001 Zürich Vortragssaal Participation is free of charge, registration is mandatory. Registration Deadline: 30 May 2022Registration is done…
TIAMSA Blog: Responsible Art Market Conference 2020 – New Guidelines for the Changing Art World
Responsible Art Market (RAM) Conference 2020: New Guidelines for the Changing Art World Review by Claudia S. Quiñones Vilá On January 31, 2020, the Responsible Art Market (RAM) held its annual conference in Geneva,…
Artists’ Archives and Estates, Cultural Memories between Law and Market, (Milan, Nov 28-29)
Milan, Aula Magna dell’Università Milano Bicocca Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 21, I-20126 Milano Contact theartistarchives@gmail.com Managing, protecting and safeguarding the cultural and patrimonial legacy of an artist, especially if established or…