CFP: Belvedere Research Journal, First Issue
We are inviting the first round of submissions to the newly founded Belvedere Research Journal (BRJ), a peer-reviewed, open access e-journal. We seek articles that shed new light on the visual culture of…
CFP: Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies III (Zagreb/Online, 12–13 Oct 2021)
The third edition of the conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies aims at bringing together established and early career scholars, independent researchers, and professionals involved with the transdisciplinary digital research initiatives, to critically…
CFP: Chinese objects and their lives (Paris, 15 Jun 18)
Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Inalco, Paris Deadline: Feb 23, 2018 International workshop organised by the French Association of Chinese Studies (AFEC) Over the last twenty years, material culture studies have…