JOB: TIAMSA Coordinator (Two Positions/Shared Role)
TIAMSA is currently looking for two coordinators. Coordinators are an essential part of our association. They disseminate information, communicate with and manage memberships, and support the Chairs, mainly during the annual conference and special events such as Live Book Discussions….
ANN: Forschungsstipendium / Bourse de recherche 1 Jahr/an / 3 Monate/mois (DFK Paris | INHA)
Das DFK Paris und das Institut national de l’histoire de l’art (INHA) vergeben gemeinsam ein einjähriges Stipendium, das sich an herausragende Doktorand/-innen und Postdoktorand/-innen aus Frankreich, Deutschland und dem internationalen Ausland richtet. Ziel…
STIP: Center for Netherlandish Art Fellowships 2023 / 2024 (Center for Netherlandish Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
The Center for Netherlandish Art (CNA) seeks applicants for the CNA Fellowship Program for object-based research into Netherlandish art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. These Fellowships are full-time appointments for a…
STIP: Historians of Netherlandish Art Research Fellowships 2023
Current HNA members are eligible to apply for a 2023 HNA Fellowship. The topic of the research project must be within the field of the art and architecture of the Netherlands (Dutch and…
STIP: Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme 2022-2023
If you have an international independent research proposal which could open new perspectives on the Rijksmuseum’s history and activities, we’d love to hear from you. The purpose of the Rijksmuseum Fellowship Programme is to strengthen…
STIP: International Fellowship Program at the Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Launched in 2009, the International Fellowship Program (ISP) offers the opportunity to international researchers, especially early career scholars, to conduct research at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Apply by: 31 Dec 2021
STIP: Contemporary Collecting / Sammeln in der Gegenwart, Mercator-Promotionsstipendium (University of Cologne)
a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School für the Humanities Cologne, Universität zu Köln, 01.04.2022–31.03.2026Bewerbungsschluss: 22.10.2021 Zum 1. April 2022 schreibt die a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, die Graduiertenschule der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu…
STIP: Research Grant DFK/INHA: Art market in France during the Occupation
The Institut national d’histoire de l’art and the German Centre for Art History (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte – DFK PARIS) are for the third time jointly awarding a scholarship to study the history…
STIP: Getty Residential Grants, Los Angeles
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California2022-23 Residential Grants and Fellowships Applications are available now online for the 2022/2023 Residential Grants and Fellowships at the Getty Research Institute in the following competitions: – Getty…