CFP: 21st Graduate Student Symposium in Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA / online, 16-17 Mar 24)
The twenty-first Annual Graduate Student Symposium in the History of Nineteenth-Century Art, co-sponsored by the Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA) and the Dahesh Museum of Art, will be held virtually on…
CFP: Exhibiting in Slovenia III (City Museum of Ljubljana, 11-12 Apr 2024)
You are invited to participate in the third edition of the symposium dedicated to the more than hundred-year-long practice of regularly exhibiting art, architecture, and design in Slovenia. The first symposium, “Exhibiting in…
TIAMSA Member News: Symposium – Fair Equality of Opportunity and the Art World (Online/Loughborough University 8 Nov 2021)
Symposium: Fair Equality of Opportunity and the Art World8 November, 2021Loughborough University and online via zoom To register, please email the organizer Dr Kathryn Brown (
ANN: Registration open – Symposium ‘Terms of Art: Understanding the Mechanics of Dispossession During the Nazi Period’ (New York, May 7-8, 2020)
This symposium aims to explore from the historical, art historical and practical perspectives and across practitioner groups, what it means to describe involuntary loss using a specific term. The symposium will include expert…
CONF: Forum Kunst und Markt – “From Russia with / without Doubt”: Globale Netzwerke – Expertisen – Gerichtsprozesse Symposium, 15/11/2019
Seit Jahren sind Galerien und Auktionshäuser vermehrt mit Kunst aus Russland konfrontiert, deren Provenienzen ungeklärt und deren Echtheitszertifikate unzuverlässig sind. Auch Museen sind davon nicht ausgenommen; 2018 musste etwa das Kunstmuseum Gent über…
CONF: Forum Kunst Markt – SYMPOSIUM 2019: Objects on the Art Market: Original oder Fälschung – eine Frage der Expertise? (Berlin, 15-16/11/2019)
Kunstfälschungen sind nicht nur ein Krimi-, sondern auch ein Tabuthema: Weder Sammler*innen noch Museen möchten „falsche“ Originale besitzen. Doch wie erklärt sich dann, dass nicht wenige Fälschungen im Umlauf sind? Warum werden sie…
ANN: Bibliothèque Kandinsky : Après-midi d’études “Galeries du 20e siècle”, Bibliothèque Kandinsky, 22 juin, 14h30 – 17h30
La Bibliothèque Kandinsky du Musée national d’art moderne est heureuse de vous convier à un après-midi d’études consacré au parcours thématique « Galeries du 20e siècle » Le samedi 22 juin, à partir de 14h30 Bibliothèque…

CONF: Christie’s Education Symposium – Women Art Dealers (1940-1990) curated by Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi, May 17-18, 2019
The symposium analyzes the central role played by women art dealers in the creation and development of the art market between the 1940s and the 1980s. It examines the work of those women…
ANN: Gulbenkian Symposium – Collecting: modus operandi, 1900-1950, 15-16 February 2019, Lisbon
In 2019 the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum and the Art Library will have been open for 50 years. Gulbenkian was known as ‘Mr. 5%’, who wanted ‘only the best’, but this conference seeks to…