CONF: (Post-)koloniale Provenienzforschung in Theorie und Praxis (Universität Hamburg, 5-6 Sept 2024)
Der Workshop „(Post-)koloniale Provenienzforschung in Theorie und Praxis“ zielt darauf ab, ein fundiertes Verständnis für die (post-)koloniale Provenienzforschung zu vermitteln und die Teilnehmenden mit praxisrelevanten Methoden und Perspektiven auszustatten. Zugleich bietet der Workshop…
ANN: Provenance Research, Theory and Practice: Two courses in Amelia, Italy (Ass. for Research into Crimes Against Art / Holocaust Art Restitution Project – 21-28 June and 8-12 July 2024)
Acknowledging the formidable challenge of reclaiming looted cultural assets, and understanding that the path to restitution requires practical knowledge in conducting rigorous research, the Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA) has…
JOB: Full Professor in contemporary art history and theory from a global perspective (Leiden University)
Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), is looking for a: Full Professor in contemporary art history and theory from a global perspective (1,0 Fte)