CONF: Rococo across Borders: Designers and Makers (Furniture History Society / French Porcelain Society; online / V&A London, 24-25 Mar 2023)
A two-day symposium organized by the Furniture History Society & the French Porcelain Society on Rococo ceramics and furniture across Europe and beyond, which aims to examine the geographical spread of the Rococo…
ANN: ‘Who curates (whom): Artist-curators in institutions’ – Lecture by Lilian Cameron (Sotheby’s Institute, 23 June 2022, 17:00-18:30 BST)
Artist-curated exhibitions in museums and biennales have become more prevalent since the early 2000s. This seminar will examine several examples of this practice with a focus on artist-curated exhibitions in the UK, analysing to…
ANN: Have your say on the future of the V&A’s Study Rooms (Survey closes 15 Aug 2021)
The V&A Museum, London, is currently conducting a review of the National Art Library and other V&A Study Rooms. Please take part in this short anonymous survey to ensure your voice is included….
TEFAF Talks: An Unholy Alliance: conflict or symbiosis?
Source: The Society for the History of Collecting, posted 21 Jan, 2017.
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