ANN: Now online – Dealing with art: Bloomsbury Art Markets live webinar and expert panel
Bloomsbury Digital Resources presents: Bloomsbury Art Markets’ inaugural webinar and expert panel hosting Véronique Chagnon-Burke, Anne Helmreich and Johannes Nathan. Re-watch this live recording of our hour-long programme consisting of 10-minute talks exploring:…
ANN: Kunsthandel in der DDR, Buch und Vortrag von Christine Müller-Wenzel (Katholische Akademie in Berlin e.V. / online, 23 Feb 2023, 19:00)
Seit 1955 gab es einen organisierten Kunsthandel in der DDR. Dieser hatte das Ziel, Kunst und Antiquitäten vor allem in den Westen zu verkaufen. Damit sollten Devisen erwirtschaftet werden. Wie diese Institution der…
ANN: Data-Driven Art History: A Conversation (Online, 11 Nov 2022, 11am ET)
The Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA) invites you to attend the Virtual Salon “Data-Driven Art History: A Conversation” on Friday, November 11 at 11AM ET. This series of online events is…
ANN: British Furniture Making and the Globalised Trade (online, 2-30 Nov 2022)
BIFMO (British and Irish Furniture Makers Online), as part of the Furniture History Society, is offering an online course on Zoom to examine how methods and ideas about furniture making have been transmitted…
ANN: Webinar – Yamanaka & Co.: Early Pioneer of the Global Asian Art Trade (15 Apr 2021, 8:30 am–12 pm EDT)
The next webinar in the series Hidden Networks: Trade in Asian Art will take place on 15 April, with a focus on the Japanese art dealer, Yamanaka & Co. Yamanaka & Company was…
ANN: Issues of Provenance – Provenance as Issue (International Webinar, 17 Nov 2020, 6pm-7:30pm CET)
Issues of Provenance – Provenance as Issue International Webinar, 17 Nov 2020, 6pm-7:30pm CET Confronted with a growing popularisation during the past twenty years, the notion of “provenance” of cultural goods remains diverse…
TIAMSA Member News: Webinar: Four Creative Women: An Artist, a Collector, a Curator and a Gallerist talk about women artists
Véronique Chagnon-Burke, TIAMSA member and Christie’s Academic Director is delighted to invite you to a conversation between Regina Bogat, Floriane de Saint Pierre, Gwenolée Zürcher and Barbara Stehle.
ANN: Webinar – Behind the Scenes of Art Museum Security and Theft, 6pm EDT, 18 Aug 2020
IFAR presents: Behind the Scenes of Art Museum Security and TheftTuesday, 18 August 20206:00 – 7:00 PM EDT John Barelli, Ph.D., Former Chief Security Officer, Metropolitan Museum of ArtAuthor of: Stealing the Show: A History…
TIAMSA Member News: The Pi-eX Virtual Roundtable on COVID-19 Effects on the Art Market is now online
Pi-eX has been tracking closely the impact of COVID-19 on the auction business, and has organized multiples Virtual Roundtables with various art experts to engage them on what data tells us about the state…