ANN: Study Day on Women Art Dealers & the Market at NYU’s Grey Art Museum (20 Feb 2025)
Join us for a Graduate Student Study Day to explore the role of Women Art Dealers through the exhibition, “Make Way for Berthe Weill” About this event Graduate Student Study Day on Women…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi, Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990. (Online,13 Dec 2024, 18:30 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its twelfth book discussion: Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024).Author Caterina Toschi (University for Foreigners of Siena) will discuss her new book,followed by…
ANN: Presentazione del libro Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940-1990 a cura di Véronique Chagnon-Burke e Caterina Toschi, Bloomsbury Publishing (22 OTTOBRE 2024, ORE 16:00-18:00, MLAC)
Il MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea della Sapienza Università di Roma è lieto di ospitare la presentazione del libro Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940-1990, a cura di Véronique Chagnon-Burke…
CFP: Women Art Dealers and Collectors Promoting Non-Western Arts: The case of Pre-Columbian Art and the Indigenous Arts of North America (TIAMSA-The International Art Market Studies Association-CAA Affiliated Society Session)
This session pertains to WADDA | Women Art Dealers Digital Archives and focuses on one of WADDA’s goals, which is to bring attention to women gallerists who supported artists who may have been…
ANN: Reminder – Dealing with art: Bloomsbury Art Markets Inaugural Webinar hosting Véronique Chagnon Burke, Anne Helmreich, Johannes Nathan (online, 6 Nov 2023, 17:30 GMT)
Bloomsbury Publishing cordially invites you for a ‘Bloomsbury Art Markets’ inaugural webinar on Monday 6th November (17:30 GMT) hosting Véronique Chagnon-Burke (TIAMSA Co-Chair), Anne Helmreich and Johannes Nathan (TIAMSA Co-Chair 2016-22). This hour-long…
ANN: Dealing with art: Bloomsbury Art Markets Inaugural Webinar hosting Véronique Chagnon Burke, Anne Helmreich, Johannes Nathan (online, 6 Nov 2023, 17:30 GMT)
Bloomsbury Publishing cordially invites you for a ‘Bloomsbury Art Markets’ inaugural webinar on Monday 6th November (17:30 GMT) hosting Véronique Chagnon-Burke (TIAMSA Co-Chair), Anne Helmreich and Johannes Nathan (TIAMSA Co-Chair 2016-22). This hour-long…
TIAMSA Member News: CFP – 1950-2020: Active Women in the Art Market. Mapping Gallerists, Collectors, Maecenas, Auctioneers, Curators from the Iberian Peninsula and Brazil and their contributions to the Global Art System (Online Workshop, 11-12 Oct 2023)
Papers are invited for this online workshop, organised by the TIAMSA Sub-Committee – Art Market and Collecting: Portugal, Spain & Brazil. Deadline: 22 Sep 2023 Organising Committee Adelaide Duarte, Bruna Fetter, Marta Pérez-Ibáñez
ANN: Lecture – Women in the Art Market – ein Forschungs- und Vermittlungsprojekt (ZADIK, Cologne – 27 Mar 2023, 19:00; in German)
Das interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Vermittlungsprojekt „Women in the Art Market“ des ZADIK rückt das Spektrum, die Vielfalt und Komplexität des Themenfeldes in den Blickpunkt. Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck und Claudia E. Friedrich werden Einblicke in…
ANN: Podium | “Women in the Art Market” – sustainably anchoring female empowerment
A panel coinciding with 30 years of ZADIK – Highlights and Insights at Art Cologne (16-20 Nov 2022) 19.11.2022 | 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Koelnmesse, Europasaal Panel guests: Anita Beckers (gallery owner, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt/Main), Dr. Christiane…