Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Workshop and Symposium Grants

Are you thinking of organizing a symposium on an American art historical
topic at your university or research institute?
Do you have an international collaborative research project that would

benefit from in-person meetings and workshops?

The Terra Foundation for American Art offers grants of up to $25,000 for projects that encourage international scholarship on American art topics, as well as projects that further research on American art in an international context. Eligible projects vary in scale, from multi-day public symposia to smaller international research groups of faculty and graduate students collaborating on a focused topic or area of inquiry. Funding is available for in-person exchanges that advance scholarship in the field of American art (circa 1500–1980) and that:

– Take place in Chicago or outside the US;
– Take place within the US, and examine American art within an international context and include a significant number of international participants.

Deadline for letters of inquiry for fall 2017 awards: March 15, 2017

Learn more: http://www.terraamericanart.org/what-we-offer/grant-fellowship-opportunities/academic-program-grants/

Dr. Carrie Haslett, Program Director, Exhibition and Academic Grants, haslett@terraamericanart.org

Reference: ANN: Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Workshop and Symposium Grants. In: H-ArtHist, Feb 16, 2017 (accessed Feb 27, 2017).