We cordially invite you to join us online on 3 June for the third day of our conference whose theme is the historic and contemporary intersections of the art market and museums. Our conference considers how art market stakeholders, including art dealers, collectors and patrons have, both historically and in more recent years, shaped museum collections and influenced exhibition practices.
Our third conference day on 3 June will cover Session 5, „Museums and Art Market Agents“, chaired by Susanna Avery-Quash (National Gallery London) and Session 6, „The Art Market and the Museum in the Nazi Era“, chaired by Christel Force (Metropolitan Museum of Art / Independent).
The conference’s final days on 15 and 16 July days will include sessions on Donations, Deaccessioning, Contemporary Institutional Collecting and the Emergence of Private Museums. We are happy to say that the conference’s first two days on 6-7 May – which addressed topics such as Museums and Art Dealers, Museums and Collectors, and Women Collectors and Museums – met with a wonderful response from attendees from all over the world.
Registration is required. See here for the programme and more information: https://www.artmarketstudies.org/tiamsa-members-announcement-tiamsa-2021-conference-the-art-market-and-the-museum-online-university-of-edinburgh-national-galleries-of-scotland-6-7-may-3-june-15-16-july-2021/
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