Every year an impressive number of books dedicated to the art markets are published. Keeping pace with this flow of publications is not necessarily easy, neither is it simple to know in advance if a book is going to be of interest for a potential reader. Book launches may have a promotional character and reviews of books usually take a long time to materialize.
TIAMSA is therefore launching a new initiative called the “Live book discussion”. The format of the event is the following: the author will have 15 minutes to present his/her book and then two scholars will discuss the books’ merits but also interact with the author to go deeper into the book’s approach and contents for 25 minutes. This will be followed by a Q&A session, with a moderator guaranteeing the smooth flow of questions.
TIAMSA will do its utmost to provide members with a promotional discount for the book.
TIAMSA is excited to announce its first Live book discussion on Thursday 25 March 2021, 18:00 CET
Diana Seave Greenwald (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum): Painting by numbers. Data-Driven Histories of Nineteenth-Century Art

Christian Huemer (Belvedere Research Centre, Vienna)
Filip Vermeylen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Moderator: Kim Oosterlinck (Université libre de Bruxelles)
To attend, please register with TIAMSA Coordinator Inna Schill at inna.schill@artmarketstudies.org
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