TIAMSA is happy to announce that Giles Books kindly offers our members a special discount for “The Berlin Masterpieces in America: Paintings, Politics, and the Monuments Men” by Peter Jonathan Bell and Kristi A. Nelson at UK£29.96 (25% off RRP UK£39.95, valid until 19 October)
As the Allies advanced into Germany in April 1945, General Patton’s Third Army discovered the collections of the Berlin State Museums hidden in a salt mine 2,100 feet underground. Placed in the care of the “Monuments Men,” the US military government ordered that 202 “works of art of greatest importance” be sent on a whistle-stop tour of 13 US cities. This fully illustrated volume is the first to examine the entire journey of the “202” and its historical-political implications. It offers insights into the protest at the transfer, and popular reactions to the unprecedented exhibition in post-war America. This history is framed by essays on the fate of artworks in Nazi Germany and during the war, and on the significance of modern efforts to research the history of ownership of works of art.
Order your copy here: https://gilesltd.com/product/berlin-masterpieces
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