The importance of the existence and application of codes of good practice in the contemporary art system
Organisation: Adelaide Duarte, Marta Pérez-Ibáñez, Ricardo Emanuel Correia
29 nov. 2022 02:00 p.m. Lisbon time
30 nov. 2022 02:00 p.m. Lisbon time
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In the exercise of professions related to culture, as in all professions, it is necessary to apply a series of ethical standards and values, with the aim of carrying out the activities inherent to the profession properly. In the case of professionals linked to culture, artistic creation and its management, the often absence of trade unions, guilds and professional associations that protect workers from administrations and companies or from conflicts with other professionals makes it necessary to have Codes of Ethics or Good Practices that serve as a guide and model. The rules laid down in each code of ethics are previously agreed upon and approved in a common and unanimous manner by all the members of the profession for which they are drawn up. They are, therefore, guidelines of conduct to be followed that aim to carry out an adequate job and help the whole of society that requests the services of the profession obtain full satisfaction from the good performance of the work.
Compliance with each Code of Ethics is the faculty of the Professional Associations, who ensure that all their members abide by the rules established in the code. The Professional Associations have regulations that establish the sanctions that are applied to those who fail to comply. Therefore, in the absence of said regulatory element in the field of the arts, the observance of compliance or violation of said regulations remains in the hands of the different associative bodies and their dialogue between the sector, administrations and companies, artists, curators, art galleries, and in their mediation work between professionals. Precisely, one of the fundamental tasks of professional associations in the arts and culture in many countries is to ensure the protection of independent professionals, who are most disadvantaged before the administration and before public and private institutions, always urging compliance with Good Practices, denouncing the cases in which these are violated and proposing protection measures that allow optimizing both work and management.
The existence of Codes of Ethics in different countries in the field of contemporary art makes it necessary to reflect on their effect, their application, their shortcomings and their drawbacks. Likewise, it is necessary to incorporate these ethical codes in those countries that lack them and in which it is convenient to regulate and optimize the relationship between institutions, companies and independent professionals of contemporary art.
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