„London and the Emergence of a European Art Market, 1780-1820“ edited by TIAMSA board members Susanna Avery-Quash and Christian Huemer (Getty Publications, 2019) has recently received very positive reviews, one by TIAMSA member Michael Hutter (Prof. em. TU Berlin) in the „Journal of British Studies“ vol. 59 (April 2020), pp.400-402, the other by Christoph Vogtherr (Generaldirektor, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten, Potsdam) in „The Burlington Magazine“ vol. 162 (July 2020), pp.624-625. (Exceptionally, the July issue of the Burlington Magazine is available for free download until 21 July 2020, see https://www.burlington.org.uk/current-issue).

The book itself is still available with a 20% discount for TIAMSA members until 30 July 2020. To obtain the discount code, follow the link below: https://www.artmarketstudies.org/tiamsa-members-discount-on-london-and-the-emergence-of-a-european-art-market-1780-1820-ed-by-susanna-avery-quash-and-christian-huemer/
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