TIAMSA is already looking back to a fruitful association with four past CAA conferences. After 2018 (LA), 2019 (NYC), 2020 (Chicago), we hosted two sessions at the recent CAA virtual conference, one of them chaired by Andrej Srakar (‘New Topics on Art Markets in East Central Europe‘), the other by Dieter Dahlhoff (‘Drivers of Collecting Contemporary Art – A Perspective from Germany‘).
The CAA 2022 conference will be held in Chicago (16-19 Feb) and we are planning our attendance there. The final format of the conference is yet to be defined.
As a CAA affiliated society, TIAMSA is entitled to one full academic session (1.5 hours) and one „business meeting“ (1 hour). We again intend to use the latter as a seminar / workshop for the discussion of a specific topic proposed by a TIAMSA member.
If you would like to propose a subject
– for the 1.5 hour academic session
– for the 1 hour workshop
please send us a title, a very brief CV and a short abstract (3-4 sentences) outlining your idea by 11 April 2021 to inna.schill@artmarketstudies.org. The TIAMSA Board will then select the most promising proposal, bearing in mind not only academic excellence but also a proposal’s potential interest to our members and visitors of the conference.
Applicants will be informed of the board’s decision in the second half of April.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide travel grants; however, you may apply for travel grants through the CAA.
We are looking forward to hearing from members interested in chairing a session!
With best wishes,
Veronika, Johannes, Sharon & Inna
More information about the CAA and its Annual Conference can be found on http://www.collegeart.org