Members List

Last Name First Name Degree, Position Institution / Organization / Company / Place Research Interests Country
Adam Georgina
Adams Renee PhD, Professor University of Oxford gender, art, governance, culture, values GB
Adeyemi Jonathan PhD Candidate, Arts Management Queen's University Belfast, United Kindom The visibility and validation of contemporary art from peripheral regions, with a focus on Africa GB
Aengenheyster Johannes Phd Candidate University of Amsterdam private museums, organizational forms, classification, legitimation DE
Afonso Luís
Agnew Julian Julian Agnew Fine Art Ltd. History of the British Art Market 1800 to 2020 GB
Albiston Renee MH (Art law & policy), Associate Provenance Researcher Denver Art Museum General provenance research, specialist in Nazi-era provenance US
Allen Kerry Bachelor arts photography Greyscale Group Art Market/ photography US
Ambrosini Lynne PhD, Deputy Director/Chief Curator Emerita Taft Museum of Art 19th-century French art patronage & market, Gilded Age collecting in USA US
Andreides Katalin Lawyer Andreides Law Art trade, Restitution, Art related dispute resolution HU
Angoso de Guzmán Diana Contemporary Art History, PhD. Lecturer in Museum Studies and Art Markets University Complutense of Madrid, Spain Contemporary Art Market, Connoisseurship, Technical Art History, Global Art Markets, Collecting Practices ES
Aono Junko PhD, professor Meiji Gakuin University Art Market, Collection, Dealers, 17th century, 18th century, Dutch and Flemish Art JP
Archer Anita PhD, Research Coordinator University of Melbourne Emerging markets, international art auctions, valuation mechanisms, intermediary networks, Southeast Asia. AU
Arizzoli Louise
Armstrong-Totten Julia
ASGP ASGP “Federico Stella” Graduate School of Criminal Justice Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Art Law; Cultural Heritage Law; Business Criminal Law; Sociology of Organizations IT
Asquith Catherine B.B., B.Litt. (hons.), / Founder & Director La Trobe University, Deakin University / Catherine Asquith Art Advisory Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Art Market, East Asia, Australia, Australian Indigenous Art, Collections, Provenance, Due Diligence, Valuations, Acquisition & Deaccession Strategies, Succession Planning, Art Funds AU
Austin Summer Phd Student University College London The relationship between museums and the market; influences on demand for antiquities; the illicit market GB
Avery-Quash Susanna Senior Research Curator (History of Collecting) The National Gallery History of collecting, history of the art market GB
Badinella Chiara Art Advisor and Appraiser Chiara Badinella Art Advisor & Appraiser Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Art Market, Provenance, Due Diligence IT
Baker Christopher Independent, currently, Mellon Rome Fellow, 2022-23; member of UK Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art; Spoliation Advisory Panel; Advisory Board of Arts and Humanities research Council etc. Formerly, Director, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh European art market: 18th-century to contemporary; history of collecting and display; spoliation GB
Balaskas Bill Director of Research, Business and Innovation School of Art & Architecture, Kingston University, London Internet art; online art market; the market as a spectacle. GB
Balcerzak Lauralynn Fine Art Appraiser International Society of Appraisers fine art, art market, art business US
Banks Patricia A. Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology Mount Holyoke College contemporary African art; African American art; art from the African Diaspora US
Bärnighausen Julia PhD candidate Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin Art Market Studies, Provenance Resarch, Collections & Archives, History of Photography DE
Barr Judith Lecturer J. Paul Getty Museum Provenance, antiquities, 20th century American market for antiquities US
Barragán Paco PhD and curator Freelance Art market, Collecting, Curating ES
Bauer Nadine PhD Brücke-Museum, Berlin / Hamburger Kunsthalle art market, Nazi looted art DE
Baumewerd Stéphanie Master of Arts, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn Provenance Research DE
Bellinger Katrin
Benevolenskaja Kristina Phd student UPO cultural objects, law EE
Berger Martin PhD, Assistant Professor Leiden University Art market for pre-Columbian and ethnographic art, canonization, interplay between the market and academic studies. NL
Bertz Jörg-Michael independent Free Art market DE
Bexon Georgina Art historian/consultant Independent South Asian Modern and Contemporary - art, collecting and markets GB
Bialynicka-Birula Joanna PhD. hab. Prof. CUE Cracow University of Economics, Department of Market Analysis and Marketing Research art market analysis, art value, international art trade, statistical methods of market analysis PL
Bilski Emily Independent curator and scholar Independent Collectors, modernism IL
Biro Yaelle PhD INHA, Paris African art, Nazi-Era provenance, Art dealers, Museums FR
Blass-Simmen Brigit
Borresch Kathrin
Bourron Christine CEO Pi-eX Ltd Art and Finance GB
Brasca Daria PhD, Researcher University of Udine Provenance Resarch, History of collecting, Italian Art dealers, Looted Art, Italian Art market during WWII, Archives IT
Broker Kimberly Associate Registrar Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum US
Brooks Blair Ph.D. candidate The Graduate Center, City University of New York US
Broussine Sylvie Assistant Curator The Holburne Museum Portraiture, 19th-century painting GB
Brown Kathryn D.Phil (Oxford); PhD (Londlon); Lecturer in Art History and Visual Culture Loughborough University, United Kingdom art markets; museums; nineteenth-century French art; contemporary art GB
Buchholz Larissa Assistant Professor Northwestern University Art markets, contemporary art, globalization, valuation US
Budd Denise
Burmeister Meghan Student Arizona State University US
Bury Stephen
Canning Michael Lecturer Limerick School of Art & Design, Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland Contemporary Art, Art Markets, Art Fairs, Museums IE
Caputo Caterina Adjunct Professor University of Florence IT
Cartolari Matilde Post-Doc Researcher TU Berlin Exhibition and Museum History, Art Collecting, Conservation DE
Castelar-Cerna Alex PhD candidate Loughborough University GB
Catrone Aubrey Fine Art Provenance Researcher & Appraiser Proper Provenance, LLC - US
Catterson Lynn PhD (Columbia University, 2002) part-time lecturer, Columbia University 15C Italian Sculpture, 19C Florence, Stefano Bardini & Art Market in late 19C US
Chadbourne Susanne
Chagnon-Burke Veronique PhD, Academic Director Christie's Education 19th century Parisian art market, women artists and women art dealers US
Challis David PhD The University of Melbourne Historical development of the art market, Cultural Economics, Contemporary art markets AU
Cisno Carla MFA, Digital Assets & Web3 Specialist Columbia University | B4i Bocconi for Innovation art-tech, art-finance, blockchain IT
Cleary MaryKate
Codell Julie Ph.D., Professor, Art History Arizona State University art market, 19th c, historiography, history of collecting, colonialism, cultural encounters US
Cohen Tervaert Renske MA Art History, curator Kröller-Müller Museum art from the 19th century and early 20th century, art market, collecting NL
Conlin Jonathan Senior Lecturer in Modern History University of Southampton Metropolitan Museum; National Gallery; GB
Conrad Stephen
Cooney Richard PhD (Melb) Independent Researcher / Naarm, Kamberri, Gadigal The Occupational System of the Visual Arts; Value, Quality and the Art Market AU
Corey Gabriella PhD Candidate, University of Maastricht Christie's provenance US
Corrigall Mary
Cosmo Laurie Kalb Ph.D., University Lecturer Universiteit Leiden Museum history, modernism, politics and art, early 20th c. Italian art history, applied arts and crafts IT
Couriet Bossan Clémence PhD student The University of Warwick art market, French archives, Georges Petit, impressionist and early modern art GB
Craig Jeanie Accredited Senior Appraiser Art Collection Management Contemporary art market US
Crookham Alan
Dahlhoff Dieter Prof. Dr. Universität Kassel/ DMCC/ Chair of Media Management Buying and collecting of contemporary art, managerial topics within the art market, marketing issues DE
Davidson Susan MA Independant history of collecting, provenance research, patronage US
Davis Diana PhD French Porcelain Society French decorative art, nineteenth-century art market, Anglo-Gallic interior, ceramics, furniture, art and curiosity dealers, collecting practice of the Rothschild family GB
De Giambattista Federica Phd La Sapienza University, Rome Art market, History of collecting IT
de Koster Richard Executive Director Retired Art History, 15-16 c., early Netherlandish art US
de Peverelli MARIA GB
de Visser Evelien MA RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History Dutch nineteenth century art, art market, collecting NL
Deans-Smith Susan Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Texas at Austin Visual and Material Culture of Colonial Latin America and Iberia; art markets and consumption; cultural patrimony US
Decker Pascal Partner dtb rechtsanwälte Due Diligence, Looted Art, New Technologies DE
Degen Natasha
Degortes Michela Phd, Researcher University of Lisbon Art history, History of collecting, Art market PT
Delogu Giovanni Franco
Dimmek Anastassia Associate Hunters Law LLP Art Law, Commercial Art Law, Restitution, Provenance, Cultural Property, Art Litigation and Mediation GB
Donnelly Eloise
Dowley Sharon PhD N/A Antiquities trade; Collecting cultural heritage; Antiquities Trafficking/Art crime; Provenance Research; Southeast Asia AU
Doyle Margaret Ph.D., Head, Curatorial Records National Gallery of Art provenance US
Duarte Adelaide PhD Researcher and Professor Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – School of Social Sciences and Humanities Art History Institute, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – School of Social Sciences and Humanities / IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory Art Collectors, Contemporary Art, Art Markets, Art Biennials, Global South, Peripheral art markets PT
Duffy-Zeballos Lisa Ph.D., Art Research Director International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR) Provenance, Catalogues raisonnés, History of Collecting US
Duret Catherine
Esfandiari Maryam
Esfandiari Maryam
Eshkol-Rokach Yoram PhD, Independent researcher and Art Advisor YER Art Consultancy Art Markets, Collecting and Private Museums, Art and Politics, Impact of Private Wealth on Culture Policies and Canon Formation GB
Euwe Jeroen PhD, Assistant Professor Economic History & International Relations Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication (ESHCC), Erasmus University Rotterdam The Dutch art market in international context, 1870-1970 NL
Evans Alan Law & Politics, Student University of Kent Restitution, Looted Art, Intellectual Property Rights, Authentication GB
Fasche Melanie Lecturer, MA in Art Business Sotheby's Institute of Art London GB
Feilchenfeldt Walter Walter Feilchenfeldt AG Kunstvermittlung & Kunstforschung CH
Feilchenfeldt Christina
FitzGerald Michael
Foster Nicola
Fowle Frances Chair of Nineteenth-Century Art and Senior Curator University of Edinburgh and National Galleries of Scotland Impressionism and the Art Market; collecting in Britain c.1870 to 1945 GB
Franca Marcilio Professor of Art Law Professor of Law (Federal University of Paraiba, BR); Alternate Arbitrator at the Mercosur Tribunal (Asunción, PY) Arbitrator at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre; Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Arts, Rotterdam (NL) Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law BR
Franses Michael Retired former Director Qatar Museums, Department of Special Cultural Projects Textile arts, provenance, collectors, history IT
freund dorie JD Poison Pen Art provenance research, Holocaust Restitution, cultural heritage, art law US
Friedenthal Antoinette Dr. phil. Independent Genesis and Function of the Catalogue Raisonné; Mariette Family; John Smith; Print Collecting; Relation Between the Art Market and Academic Art History; Connoisseurship DE
Fulton Jeni PhD, Head of Editorial Art Basel, University of Zurich, Zurich University of Arts Artistic value, art markets CH
Furlotti Barbara PhD, Associate Lecturer Courtauld Institute Antiquarian studies, history of collecting, art provenance GB
Fyfe Chloe
Gal Kochavi Shir PhD, Assistant Curator The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, UC Berkeley Art market, history of collecting, Jewish collections, museology, Holocaust studies and restitution US
Gera Marton Teaching Assistant University of Amsterdam organizational sociology NL
Gerlieb Anne phd candidate Universität Bonn contemporary art market, digital exhibitions, digital transformation, power of collectors DE
Germer Alexandra Research Assistant Christie's Restitution Provenance, Restitution GB
GERSON Georgia History of Art, PhD Candidate University of York, UK Art Market, Contemporary Art, Contemporary Art Market, NFTs, Art Object GB
Getzfrid Lisa CEO/Founder Red Feather Advisory & Appraisal Art Market; Art Appraisal; Art Law US
Gianolio Silvia PhD Student Princeton University Medieval art (esp. metalwork, ivory carving, book illumination); fakes and forgeries in medieval style. IT
Giovani Angelina Partner/ Co-Founder Flynn & Giovani Art Provenance Research provenance research, due diligence, art historical research & attributions, research methodologies GB
Giuffrida Noelle PhD, Assistant Curator and Assistant Professor of Asian Art David Owsley Museum of Art, Ball State University, Indiana, USA History of collecting premodern Chinese art in the US and Europe after WWII US
Glasser David Chair Ben Uri Gallery and Museum Jewish and immigrant contribution to British visual culture since 1900 GB
Glasser David Chair Ben Uri Research Unit / Museum / London The Jewish, Refugee, Immigrant contribution to British visual culture since 1900 GB
Gnyp Marta
Goddeeris Ingrid
Goldberg Roxanne PhD Candidate Massachusetts Institute of Technology 19th-c. market for Islamic art and Near Eastern antiquities; history of art dealers; relationship between the market, the academy, and the museum US
Gorayeb Elizabeth
Gorobets Eva PhD candidate, co-founder Art Flaneur Global pty ltd Photography, post-soviet art markets AU
Graziani Giancarlo Supervisor, Visiting Professor of Art Economy; Court Expert Witness and Appraiser in Art Heritage Ce.St.Art. – Center for Studies of Art Economy Art Economy, Art Market, Art History IT
Greder Kate Assistant Professor Design Studies, North Carolina State University Assetization, Fashion, Sustainability, Governance, Digital Markets, Auction Theory US
Green Carole MSc formerly University of Glasgow 20th Century Art History GB
Greenwald Diana
Gretskaia Olesia Master's student Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Art market, Art auctions, Cultural policy, Art history ES
Griffith-Jones Laure-Aline MA in research individual 18 and 19th century European art market GB
Guerdat Pamella
Gwardzińska-Chowaniec Żaneta Ph.D. University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland legal issues concerning private museums, international art market. I'm also an expert in personal data protection and information security in the cultural sector. PL
Hacka Linda Freelance Provenance Researcher & Research Associate Provenance at Museum Freelance & Museum Barberini, Potsdam Provenance Research DE
Hakuno Akiko MA Brill art markets, art dealers, nineteenth-century Dutch art, works on paper, museums JP
Halfbrodt Nora Coordinator of Provenance Research Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte Provenances CH
Halpern Anne Dept. of Curatorial Records; 1975 degree: Master of Museology, Univ. of Toronto National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC NGA collection provenances; dealers records US
Hardwick Tom Curator Houston Museum of Natural Science Egypt; antiquities; forgery GB
Heimendinger Nicolas Lecturer, PhD University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis FR
Helmreich Anne PhD Archives of American Art, Smithsonian History of the art market, 19th-20th, London, New York, transatlantic US
Henel Jennifer Independent Scholar Independent 17th century Dutch; provenance; 19th century French; art market studies US
Henrickson Mathew
Herbert Catherine Ph.D.; Coordinator of Collections Research and Documentation Philadelphia Museum of Art Provenance research, especially Nazi-era research US
Herzog Günter Prof. Dr. Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, formerly ZADIK art as a social system DE
Hess Claudia Masters in Intl. business Walnut Creek, CA USA digital arts US
Higgott Suzanne Curator of Glass, Limoges Painted Enamels, Earthenware and Early Furniture The Wallace Collection Glass, Limoges painted enamels, maiolica, history of collecting GB
Hilker Anne
Hill Charles Retured, Curator of Canadian Art National Gallery of Canada Institutional and private collecting and art dealing CA
Hives Will
Hollevoet-Force Christel PhD, Art History - Owner, CF Fine Art Provenance Consulting Consultant; independent scholar; formerly Associate Curator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Modern art, historical art market, provenance FR
Holloway Alix MA AH Arts LLC US
Holmquist-Wall Erika Chief Curator Speed Art Museum Provenance research US
Hopp Meike Prof. Dr. TU Berlin Provenance Reserach, Art Market Studies, Digital Humanities DE
Hormell Eric
Huemer Christian Ph.D., Director Belvedere Research Center History of Art Markets, Cultural Economics AT
Hugenholtz Liesbeth Publisher Brill NL
Hughes Alicia PhD, Independent Researcher Independent Histories of Collecting and Collections, Museums, Provenance, Git Exchange, Material Culture, Drawings and Prints
Hüls-Valenti Katharina PhD Student Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Provenance research, Italian art market, Nazi looted art DE
Hunt Christopher PhD Student Washington University in St. Louis Nineteenth-century French and British art, private collecting, museum institutionalization, philanthropy and the arts US
Iacopetta-Seigneur Marie-Christine Art historian, contributor to Bloomsbury Art Markets Zurich University Art market CH
Isabella Bronte
IVANOFF Hélène PhD INHA, Institut national d'histoire de l'art Art market looted art provenance restitution FR
Jagielska-Burduk Alicja
Jansma Patricia MRICS, TMV RT TAXATA fine art valuation Professional art valuation NL
Jensen Robert Ph.D. Professor of Art History and Visual Studies University of Kentucky Late 19th-early 20th-century Western art markets; artists' market behaviors US
Jones Susan PhD; Asst Professor in Art History NU London Van Eyck; Netherlandish painting; late medeival and Renaissance art GB
Jonusauskas Laurynas PhD Arty Cube Artworks, Opera Gallery Global Art Market, especially Central and Eastern Europe LT
Joris Yves Freelance art reporter Belgium Contemporary art BE
Joselow Evie Fine Art Appraiser and Art Historian, PhD. The Art of the Appraisal Estate, donation, and insurance appraisals for modern and contemporary art US
Karpinski Alvionne MLIS, PhD Candidate School of Information, University of British Columbia medieval manuscripts; bookbreaking; manuscript trade; rare book trade; market analysis; sociocultural market analysis; heritage law; heritage crime CA
Kaydalova Natalia owner of art gallery, Belgrade art gallery Canvas history of art market, former Yugoslavia art market RS
Kelly Simon D.Phil (Oxon). Curator and Head of Dept. of Modern and Contemporary Art Saint Louis Art Museum Nineteenth-century French Art, esp. landscape painting (Theodore Rousseau); art market. US
Keshet Amalyah Senior Consultant Naomi Korn Associates, London Copyright, museums, NFTs IL
Kesterson Casie Founder / Director Behind the Art / Provenance Research Associates Blockchain, Provenance Research, Impressionist and Modern Art, Art Dealer Shenanigans US
Kettering Karen
Kirchner Thomas
Knittler Konstanze PhD Independent AT
Kodera Tsukasa Prof. Osaka University Global art market including Japan and Asian countries JP
Koenigs Christine President The Koenigs Restitution Trust Provenance NL
Koot Leslie Master's Degree; President of non-profit art organization The Modigliani Initiative Modern Art; Amedeo Modigliani; WWII Looted Art US
Koss Max Postdoctoral Research Fellow Leuphana University DE
Kostyrko Diana PhD, Art & Cultural Historian Australian National University Modern European art market; Collecting practices; transatlantic dealers; Rene Gimpel's journal AU
Kozáková Daniela DK Legal, partner and solicitor DK LEGAL provenance, art law, cultural heritage CZ
Kral Diana Phd candidate Academy of Fine Arts Düsseldorf Contemporary Art Market, Digitization of Art Market, Valuation of Art, Effects of Blockchain-Technology DE
Kunsthandelsverband der Schweiz Kunsthandelsverband der Schweiz
Küster Ulf
Landau Blandine
Lang Sandra Director and Associate Professor Visual Arts Administration Program, New York University US
Langfeld Gregor Prof. University of Amsterdam provenance research, modernism, history of collecting and exhibiting, processes of canonization NL
Lasic Barbara PhD, Senior Lecturer Sotheby's Institute of Art, London 18th-century collecting, 19th-century collecting, early 20th-century collecting, decorative arts, French art, dealers and museums GB
Laura' Enrica Phd candidate UAB Universidad Autonoma Barcelona art market; art-tech; Blockchain, Human Righs IT
Lavrova Valerie
Lecher Ruth Lawyer; MA Art History Student K&L Gates Art Law DE
Lee Sandy Adjunct Faculty New York University US
Lee Sophia PhD, Independent Scholar Independent Scholar 17th-century Dutch Art Market KR
Lewis Ben MA Ben Lewis Projects 19th and 20thC art markets GB
Li Anqi PhD student University of Hong Kong HK
Locke Sabrina
Lopedoto Filomena PhD Student Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf Provenance Research, German-Italian Relations DE
Luukkanen-Hirvikoski Teija Dr. art historian, postdoctoral researcher University of Jyväskylä/Dept. of Music, Art and Culture Studies/Jyväskylä Corporate art collections, collecting, modern and contemporary art FI
MacDonald Isobel Project Curator: History of Collection British Museum History of Collecting; Data-led Collection analysis GB
Maggi Edoardo PhD candidate Sapienza University of Rome IT
Maglione Biancalucia Doctoral Student University of Florence Italian and European Inter-war Art; Collecting; XXth Century Art Market; Exhibition History IT
Mahler Luise MA, Research Associate Independent Scholar provenance research, history of collecting, art criticism and art market practices in the 19th and 20th centuries, gender studies US
Maier Kimberly MPA, Executive Director, Association of Professional Art Advisors Association of Professional Art Advisors art and law, art market, art trade, collecting, collectors, cultural heritage, connoisseurship, history of collecting, looted art, disaster preparedness US
Maksimova Marina Phd, Lecturer Sotheby's Institute of Art collecting, Russian Art market, exhibition histories, art institutions, museums GB
Mallon MacKenzie
Mangelsdorff Patrick Oskar Cand. phil. art. hist. M.A. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Art History & Museum Studies, Provenance Research, History of Collecting, Art Market, Art Law, Looted Art, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Property Protection (CPP)/ Military Cultural Property Protection (MilCPP) DE
MARQUES CRISTIELEN Master PROLAM USP Art Market and collections BR
Marquez-Feldman Victoria PhD Candidate Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Art & Diplomacy, Exhibition History, Provenance Studies, Latin America, France-Argentina relations, Nazi looted art FR
Marsh Andrew Course Leader, MA Arts and Cultural Enterprise Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London GB
Martignon Alice Ph.D., University of Udine/ Research Grant Holder, Subject expert and Teaching Assistant Senior, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice Ca' Foscari University of Venice History of Collecting, History of Art Market, Illicit Art Trade, History of Expositions, History of Decorative Arts, History of Costume and Textiles, Digital Humanities (digital photography, virtual restoration, multispectral imaging, databases) IT
Martin Henry PhD Candidate NCAD, Lecturer NCAD, CityLit, Fulbright Fellow Smithsonian National College of Art and Design, Ireland Collecting, Museology, Exhibition History, American Art, Biography Studies, Art Market GB
Massad Cury Carolina Project Manager - Art & Culture Market CMC projects Art market , Latin America , Brasil BR
Mawick Zacharias Dipl. Jur., Legal Adviser London art law, provenance research, Nazi looted art, art history GB
May Boddewyn Julia MA, Researcher Arshile Gorky Foundation, New York early 20th century U.S. market for contemporary European art US
McComas Jennifer
McGhee Kris MA (University College London) Saint Mary's College of California, California College of the Arts Provenance Research, Interwar Germany, Religious Relics, France (long nineteenth-century) US
Mednick Thor Ph.D. Professor of Art History University of Toledo Modern, Museum Studies US
Melton Paul Associate Professor, Art Market Studies School of Graduate Studies, SUNY-FIT US
Mestdagh Camille PhD Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, Lumière Lyon 2 Dealers in 19th C. Paris - decorative arts - collections - auction sales FR
Meyer-Abich Susanne
Michiulis Diana L
Middleton Lucy MLitt Art History & MA Art Market Professional Studies & Practice Independent Cultural Heritage, Lost Collections and less well known collectors & contributors to the art market GB
Milano Ronit
Miller Asher
Milosch Jane Independent Curator and Honorary Professor Washington DC / University of Glasgow History of Collecting, Craft, Decorative Arts & Design, Provenance, Exhibitions US
Miyamoto Bénédicte Associate Professor Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 18c art markets; auction catalogs; mapping markets FR
Moignard Michael PhD La Trobe University 20th century art collectors AU
Moody Andrea
Moss Avigail
moureau nathalie
Muchitsch Yvonne Ph.D Hamburg Art Market, Economics, Data Analysis, Museum Studies DE
Mueller Shirley BS MS MD Indiana University, Adjunct professor in neurology The neuropsychology of the collector US
Muratov Maya
Myall Locke Ceri
Nangeroni Amalia PhD Candidate IULM University Art Market, Philantropy, Contemporary Art, Artification of Luxury Brands IT
Napodano Lorenzo PhD Candidate Università di Catania Art Market; Collectors; Renaissance; Italy; Europe; America IT
Nathan Johannes PhD / CEO / Editor-in-Chief Nathan Fine Art, Potsdam / Bloomsbury Art Markets ( / TU Berlin History of the Art Market, Provenance Research DE
Nathan Fine Art GmbH Art Gallery, Potsdam Provenance Research DE
Neville Rena Director Corinth Consulting AML art market service provider Corinth Consulting Ltd AML art market GB
Nuernberger Philipp
Oberste-Hetbleck Nadine
PARK Kate NaHyun MA Art, Law and Business Christie's Digital Art in Art Market KR
Paruzzo Valeria Ph.D. Candidate Università di Trento Art Market and Collections in Venice during the Austrian rule (1815-1866) IT
Patterson Khamal J.D., Lawyer ARTIVE Restitution, copyright, digitization US
PELLICARI Giada Art Curator, PhD Student Visual and Media Studies, Curriculum Visual Arts Università IULM Milano Art Fairs, Art Market, Contemporary Collecting, History of Exhibitions IT
Penot Agnès
Perdigao Tiago Student ISCTE PT
Perez Ibañez Marta PhD, independent researcher art market, artists in the art system ES
Pergam Elizabeth
Petri Grischka
Petrides Loizos PhD ISCTE-IUL PT
Phillips Catherine
Phillott-Batapa Patrocinio
Pietri Julia Subject assistant - Master Université Libre de Bruxelles Economy of the art market BE
Pinet-Netter Marie-Isabelle Master MIP fine arte research and advisory XIXth century art, Russian art, old master drawings, restitutions, French modern painting FR
Pinto Luis
Plumpton Gemma PhD Researcher University of Leeds, The National Gallery Twentieth-century collecting of Old Masters in Britain; role of dealers in institutional collecting GB
Poljanec Kristijan PhD, Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb, Department of Business Law Auction Law, Cultural Heritage Law, Cultural Property Law, Charity and Foundation Law, Commercial Law, EU Private Law HR
Poposki Zoran Assistant professor Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong Contemporary Art, Artists, Art Market, Exhibitions, Art Galleries, Sustainability HK
Potter Daniel PhD, Assistant Curator Ancient Mediterranean National Museums Scotland Egyptology/Egyptian archaeology and the antiquities market. The distribution of archaeological objects through the art market. The impact of the entanglement of archaeology and the market on museum displays, interpretation and public engagement. GB
Prato Salvatore Msc Economics and Finance, Art Advisor, Member of Ce.St.Art. (Centro Studi sull'Economia dell'Arte) - Center for Studies of Art Economy Ce.St.Art. – Center for Studies of Art Economy Art Economy, Art Market, Art History IT
Pritchard Daniel Masters, Managing Director Artprovenance Art Provenance, Valuation, Family Offices, Corporate Art Portfolios US
Qu Shen PhD student SOA, ASU art market, contemporary art history US
Quinones Claudia
Rabij Liudmyla Founder Mila Arts Consulting Museums and Art Market US
Radermecker Anne-Sophie
Rambach Hadrien
Raobeharilala Sophie Art and vintage cars provenance researcher, art historian Independent looted art, looted cars, provenance research, restitution, traceability in museum collections and art market FR
Rashed Najla student PHD king Saud University art, Digital art, NFT,AI, VR SA
Raux Sophie
Reed Victoria
Reis Leonhard Dr. in legal studies / honorary professor in copyright law Law Offices Leonhard Reis Law of art markets, copyright law and visual arts AT
Reuter Brigitte Dr. Kunsthalle Bremen History of art collections; Nazi-Era provenance research DE
Ricci Clarissa Adjunct Professor Università di Bologna Biennials, Fairs, Collecting, Italian Art Market, Contemporaneity, Provenance IT
Ricklow Fiona BA, LLM, PGDip (Building History) Independent scholar Art market studies; cultural heritage and property protection; cultural heritage crime; building history; aretfact studies; archaeology GB
Roberts Jack PhD Art Addict - Independent Art Dealer ( Contemporary Art - The artists role in the art market, artist/dealer relations, value systems of the art market GB
Robertson Iain
Robson Deirdre PhD Art market, art dealers, gender GB
Rohne Raymond PhD Hong Kong Universtiy of Science & Technology/ History of East Asian Contemporary Art Collectors/Collections, Conspicuous Consumption & the Art Market, Millennial/Gen Z Art Collectors HK
Rothfeld Anne PhD Independent scholar postwar Europe; Nazi looted art; provenance research materials; art dealers US
Rowlands Eliot
Rozenbaum Andrea PhD Candidate University of Amsterdam Private museums, contemporary art NL
Rubin Anna Director NYS Holocaust Claims Processing Office Art history, history, provenance research US
Russell Anne-Marie co-creator, Christie's MA, Founding Director, Sarasota Art Museum, Director Emerita, MOCA Tucson Consultant & independent scholar critical and cross-cultural connoisseurship, history & theory of collecting US
Salto Santamaría Iñigo PhD candidate Technische Universität Berlin Provenance of medieval art, Temporary exhibitions, Museum history DE
Samuels Ann BA Business Administration, Owner Ann Samuels Gallery Art Markets US
Sancho-Arroyo Maria Faculty - Art Business Sotheby’s Institute of Art Art markets / museums and the market US
Scallen Catherine
Schmutz Thomas
Schneider Madeleine PhD-Student Technische Universität Berlin DE
Schoen Allison MA Decorative Art & Design History George Washington University Private collectors, private museums, collectors' influence on the art market US
Schultz Deborah
Schütze Sebastian
Schwelle Friederike PhD Student Durham University Provenance Research, History of Collecting, Historic Art Market, Nazi Looted Art, Archaeology, Egyptology GB
Selvin Linda Executive Director Appraiser Association of America Global Art Market, Collecting Practices, Collectors, Auctions US
Sen Anindya MA Art Business, Sotheby's Institute. Independent Art and Culture Consultant/Writer. Freelance Emerging Art Markets, Art and Technology, Culture and Heritage IN
Serafini Paolo
Shannon Cecile MA Art Market & Appraisal (Distinction) Art Valuer at auction houses Art Seekers International Various GB
Sheshjavani Hamidreza PhD CACIMA Center for Cultural and Creative Industries Middle East Art Market (especially Iranian); Contemporary Art Market; Cultural policy; Art Finance, Resale Right IR
Sieber Joachim Kunsthistoriker Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft Provenance research CH
Simmons Lucian Vice Chairman and Worldwide Head Restitution Dept Sotheby's Provenance US
Simms Gretchen Doctorate, lecturer San Jose State University Art history and the art market AT
Sisley Logan MA (Hons), Acting Head of Collections Hugh Lane Gallery IE
Skipwith Selina BA (Hons), Director Skipwith Consulting Limited GB
Sklodowska Elzbieta Professor of Latin American Studies/Spanish Washington University in Saint Louis Cuban, Caribbean, and Latin American material culture and visual arts US
Slavova Yana M.A., research assistant Abraham Adelsberger Art Research Project provenance research DE
Song Yuqing PhD student ULB BE
Spina Emanuele Lawyer Studio Legale IURECONSULTI Art Law IT
Stec Piotr PhD & Habilitation, professor of the University of Opole University of Opole Heritage Law, Art Market Law, Intellectual Property PL
Stein Regina Dr. independent provenance researcher, Berlin (D) object research (NS/GDR), NS networks and practices: withdrawal/art trade/freight forwarding DE
Steinberg Monica PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (American Studies) University of Hong Kong Contemporary Art, Law, Market, Humor HK
Steinruck Thomas
Sterrett Edward PhD, Independent Scholar, Adjunct Faculty Pepperdine University & Wayne State University Trans-Atlantic Art Dealing 19th-20th c US
Stock Simon
Stoll Katharina
Suttle Lenore Tanaquil Independent Art Historian, Provenance Researcher. NYU Institute of Fine Arts ,Wheaton College, U de Paris III Independent European art trade's effect on institutional collecting in the US; Dissemination of Incorrect Provenance Post-WW2 in the US; L'Affaire Dreyfus et Le Groupe des Batignolles US
Tarsis Irina JD, Founder & Managing Director Center for Art Law art law, due diligence, provenance research, history of collecting CH
Tasseau Verane
Tavinor Marie
Taylor Jeffrey
Tedbury Imogen
Thole Eléonore MA Art and Cultural Sciences Universiteit van Amsterdam Art Dealers, Art History, Art Market, Nazi Looted Art, Provenance Research, Restitution NL
To Clifford Solicitor, LLM (Syd) MSc (Oxon), MCIArb MSIArb; Life member of the Edgar Wind Society for Art History To & Co Lawyers Renaissance art; Asian Art; Art Law; Cross-border transactions AU
Toschi Caterina
Turina Stefano PhD Student University of Turin Japonisme, XIX century art market, cultural exchange between Italy and Japan, XX art market, history of collecting
Turpin Adriana
Twist Neil Bachelor of Arts University of Melbourne Provenance; repatriation AU
Uhrlandt Anne M.A., provenance researcher, Reserach and Documentation Officer Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project provenance research, art market studies DE
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – School of Social Sciences and Humanities - NIF 501559094 Art History Institute NIF 501559094 School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - NIF 501559094 PT
Vadász Vanda PhD, Junior Research Fellow/ Scientific Officer HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies Art Law, Private International Law, International Economic Law HU
Vaizey Marina BA,MA Select title / Other GB
Van den Berg Karen
van Ginhoven Sandra
Varley Zoe PhD, Research Associate University of Leeds, Wellcome Collection, Natural History Museum Histories of collecting and museums, natural history as cultural history, changing notions of museum value GB
Velthuis Olav Full Professor University of Amsterdam, Department of Sociology Sociology of art; Contemporary art markets; Art markets in the global south; Digitization of art markets; Art fairs; Globalization of art markets; Valuation of art NL
Vermeylen Filip Professor of Global Art Markets NL
Vertinskaya Yulianna
von Appen Antonia PhD-Candidate Bocconi University Art Market IT
von Klitzing Isabel
Vraimakis Katia Acquisitions Manager Royal Commission for AlUla SA
Walker Georgina MA (Melb); PhD (Melb); Research Fellow The University of Melbourne Private art museums, museums, contemporary art markets, private collecting, history of patronage and museums AU
Walsh Irene
Walsh Amy Ph.D., Independent Scholar Retired Curator of European Paintings and Head of Provenance Research at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Provenance Research: Nazi era and general historical provenance/history of collecting US
Watermann Gerald Student at TU Berlin; Culture and Technology - Art History, B.A. Technical University of Berlin DE
Watrelot Michaela PhD, Curator Bassam Freiha Art Foundation Transatlantic Art Market, History of Private Collecting and Patronage, Wilhelm Bode, Duveen, Rudolphe Kann AE
Weightman Brian . Glasgow Museums Nazi-Era provenance research, collecting practices, history of the UK art market GB
Weiss Shannon
Weller Matthias Professor of Art Law, Cultural Property Law, and Dispute Resolution University of Bonn, Germany Art Law, Cultural Property Law, Dispute Resolution DE
Wenley Robert Deputy Director, Head of Collections The Barber Institute of Fine Arts Dutch & Flemish C17th painting, French C17th-C18th bronzes, history of collecting fine art in Britain GB
West Lucy PhD student University of Leeds, the National Gallery and the Bowes Museum The nineteenth-century art market in Britain; the art market and the art museum; the role and practices of the nineteenth-century picture dealer; histories of collecting. GB
Westerby Genevieve
Westgarth Mark
Whitaker Lucy Independent Art Historian and Curator, formerly Senior Curator of Paintings, Royal Collection Trust Independent Art Historian and Curator Collecting Italian and northern European art, particularly by the British monarchy; Italian and Northern European paintings, drawings and frames GB
Whitaker Amy
Whitaker Lucy
Wimmer Dorothee
Winslow Karen PhD University of London Manuscript collectors, Mughal art MU
Woodhead Charlotte Assistant Professor Warwick Law School, University of Warwick, UK Cultural heritage law, repatriation, restitution, ethics of care of cultural heritage GB
Woolfson Jonathan
Wuenschel Joerg Dr. iur., Lawyer, Art Historian GSK Stockmann Art Markets, their History, and their Regulation; the Protection of the Cultural Heritage DE
Xiao Yuxuan PhD candidate in History of Art University of York Art market, exhibition history, museology GB
YOSHIKAWA Setsuko Professor Kyoto University of Advanced Science history, Impressionism, Japonism JP
Zalewski Leanne
Zarobell John