What is a TIAMSA Group?
TIAMSA Groups will typically consist of a group of TIAMSA members who are either based near each other (regional groups) or who would like to collaborate on a particular subject (thematic groups).
What does a TIAMSA Group do?
There are many possible activities that groups can engage in:
- gatherings / seminars to share ideas and information or suggest sessions for the TIAMSA conference,
- organised visits to sites relevant for your approach and / or the study of the art market in general (galleries, archives, libraries, museums, exhibitions, etc.);
- holding seminars and conferences on art market related subjects;
- spread the word about TIAMSA and support our networking;
- blog on our website.
The Board suggests an initial informal meeting of those who are interested to discuss your possible activities, events and organization of your group.
Should TIAMSA Groups have a constitution and keep a members list?
TIAMSA Groups are subject to the TIAMSA constitution and therefore do not need a separate one. However, the TIAMSA Board suggests that groups define their scope in writing and that they keep a list of members. Groups will typically be headed by one or two chairs. In case of several contenders, chairs must be elected in a fair process by the group’s members.
How will TIAMSA help me in setting up a TIAMSA Group?
The TIAMSA Board will be very happy to support your networking and circulate calls for members to join your group. When appropriate, we will allocate space for groups on our website. Groups may also advertise their activities at the TIAMSA conference in appropriate form (flyer, poster, etc.). We are currently unable to provide funds for groups but financial support for special events (inaugural event, conferences, etc.) can occasionally be made available on application.
Rules for running a TIAMSA Group
- We would like to give groups as much freedom as possible. However, all groups’ activities should be in harmony with the interests and aims of TIAMSA in general and with the TIAMSA constitution in particular:
“The International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA) is a non-profit scholarly association that supports the study of art markets of all periods and geographic areas. In particular, it provides a platform for networking, organizes conferences, seminars and gatherings, distributes information by website, mailing list or printed matter, and advocates for the academic and general recognition of art market studies.“
- Once you received approval, we will publish details of your TIAMSA Group (head(s), scope, etc.) on our website.
- Whenever possible we will publish planned activities (by website, blog or member newsletter) so that others can get involved.
- The TIAMSA executive committee would be happy to receive very brief summaries of planned and past activities whenever appropriate.
- Please submit summaries of past and planned activities at least once a year, one month prior to the AGM so that they can be publicised during the AGM.
- TIAMSA Group events should, as a general rule, be open only to TIAMSA members or those who are seriously interested in becoming one.
Getting in touch
If you plan to set up a TIAMSA Group, please write to the TIAMSA Board at office@artmarketstudies.org, stating the purpose and scope of your group and a brief outline of planned activities.