Our members are academics, art market experts, collectors, museum staff and students from disciplines such as economics, law, sociology, art history, history, or provenance studies. We also have distinguished institutions and associations among our members.
We believe in an inclusive, international membership base reaching out to all corners of the world – which is why we aim to keep membership fees affordable. In the first six months after its launch (July 2016), TIAMSA has attracted more than 150 members from 15 countries – and we are happy that the association continues to grow at a steady pace.
We are particularly happy that several distinguished institutions joined our ranks as institutional members:
Association of Professional Art Advisors (APAA), USA
Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, Paris (France)
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen / Basel (Switzerland)
Frick Art Reference Library, New York (USA)
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (USA)
i3A – Instituto de Avaliação e Autenticação de obras de Arte, São Paulo (Brazil)
Institute of Art History, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal)
University of Zurich – Executive Master in Art Market Studies (EMAMS), Zurich (Switzerland)
Wildenstein Plattner Institute, New York (USA)
Zentralarchiv des internationalen Kunsthandels, Cologne (Germany)
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich (Germany)
We are equally proud that two art dealers’ associations have joined us as association members so far:
Swiss Art Trading Association (also a generous sponsor of TIAMSA)
Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V.
Click here to find the automatically updated list of our members!