
Your Membership options

  • Your membership starts the day you join and is valid for 12 months / 1 year.
  • Memberships are automatically renewed if you select ‘Auto renew’.

Membership fees

  1. Regular: GBP 30
  2. Concessionary (proof of status required): GBP 15
  3. Institutional (non-profit / public; entitles 3 individuals of the institution to benefits): GBP 75
  4. Corporate: GBP 120
  5. Association: GBP 200
  6. Donor: GBP 300

Head back to our Join page to learn about our membership structure, payment period, etc.


  • Please choose a strong password of 6-10 digits including at least one capital letter and one number.
  • Google Chrome browser supports our payment structure best. Download it here.
  • We accept Visa, Visa Debit, Master Card, American Express and PayPal.
  • Make sure you add the correct ZIP / Post Code known to your credit card issuer.
  • Problems registering? Have a look at FAQs or write to for help

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Choose your membership level

Choose Your Payment Method

By pressing the ‘Register’ button you authorize The International Art Market Studies Association to collect the chosen membership fee. You also agree to abide by the Association’s Constitution.

Security is of great importance to us. Our website uses a SSL connection, so the data you transmit are secure. Details of your payment method (such as credit card numbers) are not visible to TIAMSA, they go directly to the payment processing agency. Your personal details are stored only with TIAMSA for administrative purposes, we will never pass them on to third parties.