CFP: Les artistes face au catalogue d’exposition (Université de Bordeaux, 22-23 May 2025)
Pour tout·e artiste, une exposition représente un enjeu important : outre le fait qu’elle rende visible ses œuvres auprès d’un public de regardeurs, elle témoigne du soutien des organisateur·ices et de l’institution qui…
CFP: Decentering Transnationality – The Impact of Latin American Artists in Post-War Europe (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome – 3-4 March 2025)
Europe, – followed by North America after 1945 – became the nexus of migratory flows of artists, objects, ideas, and cultural agents, particularly from Latin America. Yet, while the presence of Latin American…
CONF: Untold Narratives – Artists’ Archives and Estates („Curated By“ festival / Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna – 5 Oct 2024)
This year Austria’s largest gallery festival will examine the social practices of storytelling, the manifestation of memories – and explore its core institution: the archive. The program of this year’s Curated By is…
ANN: Highlights from the 7th Annual Conference of TIAMSA Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchange (University of Melbourne, 10-13 July 2024)
TIAMSA would like to extend a warm thank you to all the participants, our convenors Dr Georgina S. Walker and Associate Professor Christopher R. Marshall, the University of Melbourne and Faculty of Arts…
CONF: Artist and Networks – Friends, Collaborators, Contract Owners (Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague – 30-31 May)
PROGRAM: THURSDAY 30 MAY 9.00–9.30 Registrace / Registration 9.30–9.45 Zahájení / IntroductionTomáš Winter (ředitel Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, Praha / Director of the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
CONF: Reise(un)freiheit – Mobilitäten von Künstler*innen während des Kalten Krieges (TU Dresden, 30-31 May 2024)
Die strenge Absicherung der Grenzen in der DDR erschwerte auch die Mobilität von Künstler*innen. Trotzdem konnten sie Auslandsreisen für verschiedenste Zwecke beantragen, etwa im Rahmen kulturpolitischer Vorhaben, zur Begleitung von Ausstellungen oder für…
CONF: 7th Annual Conference of The International Art Market Studies Association, The University of Melbourne, Australia (10th – 13th July 2024)
Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchanges From 10 th – 13 th July 2024, the University of Melbourne will host the 7 th annual conference of TheInternational Art…
CFP: Researching Art Markets past & present: Tools for the future (RAM-T), International Workshop #9,Eventful Art Markets, School of Culture & Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, UK (23-24 Oct 2024)
Thinking Culture at the University of Glasgow will host the international workshop “Eventful Art Markets” on 23-24 October 2024, the ninth in the International Workshops Series Researching Art Markets past & present: Tools…
ANN: La Première Exposition Impressionniste 1874; Lecture by Géraldine Lefebvre (Wildenstein Plattner Institute – 3 June 2024, 17:00 CEST; in French)
A l’occasion du 150ème anniversaire de la première exposition impressionniste qui s’est tenue dans l’atelier du photographe Nadar, à Paris, le musée d’Orsay organise une exposition intitulée Paris 1874. Inventer l’impressionnisme, qui se…