ANN: Fördermöglichkeiten zur Provenienzforschung im Bereich koloniale Kontexte (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, 17 Feb 2025)
Der Fachbereich „Kultur- und Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten“ des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste lädt ein zur digitalen Informationsveranstaltung am Dienstag, den 17. Februar 2025 von 10-12 Uhr, um seine Tätigkeit und Fördermöglichkeiten vorzustellen. Die…
ANN: The Belgian Art Market 1933-1960: from Institutional Players to Commercial Actors. The Role of Moving Companies and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium during the Second World War ( Hybrid Event, February 10 2025, 18:15-19:45 CET)
Abstract: Despite extensive studies on the seizure of cultural assets across Europe and significant advancements in understanding the mechanisms of Nazi-art looting under occupation, Belgium’s art market remains underexplored. Therefore the ProvEnhance project seeks…
ANN: The Medici and the Princely Courts of Central and Eastern Europe: Art, Diplomacy and Material Culture (Workshop, Florence, 7 Feb 2025)
Please join us in Florence for a workshop dedicated to communications between the Medici and courts in Central and Eastern Europe. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP7 FEBRUARY 2025 – PALAZZO ALBERTI, FLORENCE—Opening Remarks: 9:00Alessio Assonitis (The…
ANN: Challenges and Complexities of the European Painting Collection in the National Museum in Poznan (25 Feb, 2025)
This presentation examines the historical factors that shaped the development of the European Paintings Collection at the National Museum in Poznań, while addressing the current challenges it faces. A key issue stems from…
ANN: Curated Theft (Documentary)
Russian forces looted two museums in Kherson in the fall of 2022 — the Art Museum and the Museum of Local History. As the Russian army retreated amid the Ukrainian counteroffensive, it seized…
ANN: Video recordings from the 7th Annual Conference of TIAMSA Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchange (University of Melbourne, 10-13 July 2024)
We are pleased to share the recordings from the TIAMSA Conference held at the University of Melbourne from 10–13 July 2024. These include the Keynote Lecture, over 62 individual panel sessions, and the concluding remarks.
ANN: NS-Raubkunst: Wie kann ich das recherchieren? Eine online-Einführung in drei Schritten (JDCRP / Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte – 6 / 13 / 20 Feb 2025, 16:00-18:00 CET)
Das Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project (JDCRP) hat sich die Schaffung einer durchsuchbaren digitalen Plattform für die archivarische Dokumentation, Forschung und Bildung zum Raub jüdischer Kulturgüter durch die Nationalsozialist:innen, ihrer Verbündeten und Kollaborateur:innen…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Julie Verlaine, Nathalie Moureau, Léa Saint-Raymond, Alice Ensabella and Agnès Penot, Historie des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XIX siècle. (Online, 30 Jan 2025, 18:00 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its thirteenth book discussion: Histoire des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XXI siècle (Flammarion, 2024). The authors Julie Verlaine(University of Tours), Nathalie Moureau (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier),…
ANN: Study Day on Women Art Dealers & the Market at NYU’s Grey Art Museum (20 Feb 2025)
Join us for a Graduate Student Study Day to explore the role of Women Art Dealers through the exhibition, “Make Way for Berthe Weill” About this event Graduate Student Study Day on Women…