CONF: Cultural Agents and Intermediaries in the Spanish Monarchy of the Early Modern Period (EEHAR Rome – 12-13 Feb 2025)
(Spanish version below) During the 16th and 17th centuries, artists, artworks, cultural models, and ideas circulated extensively across the western Mediterranean, within a political framework shaped by the influence of the Hispanic Monarchy…
CONF: Les collections étrusques en France (Paris, 11-12 Feb 25)
Les musées français conservent de nombreux et importants objets provenant d’Étrurie et des autres régions de l’Italie pré-romaine. L’acquisition d’objets étrusques et italiques résulte aussi bien de la curiosité de voyageurs et archéologues…
CONF: Presenting Contemporary Art in Museums, ca. 1880-1930: Temporary Exhibitions, Institutional Networks and Collecting (Society for the History of Collecting at CAA New York – 15 Feb 2025)
This year’s session of the Society for the History of Collecting at CAA will be chaired by Ulrike Müller (University of Antwerp) and Anne Helmreich (Archives of American Art, Washington DC): Justine Gain,…
CONF: Exploring Methodological Approaches in Art Market Studies (TIAMSA Business meeting at CAA NYC – 13 Feb 2025, 7PM-8PM EST)
Join TIAMSA for this year’s „Business Meeting“ at the College Art Association’s Annual Conference in the New York Hilton Midtown. Chaired by Diana Kral and Anne-Kathrin Gerlieb (both Kunstakademie Düsseldorf), the meeting will…
CONF: Sammlungen – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe 9.0 (Universität Würzburg, 24-25 Jan. 2025)
Im Rahmen unserer Jahrestagung im Masterstudiengang “Sammlung – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe” werden erneut namhafte Referentinnen und Referenten aktuelle Fragen zur Sammlungs- und Provenienzforschung diskutieren. Neben der Vorstellung von Institutionen, aktuellen Praktiken und…
CONF: Curating and the Art Market – Exploring the Aesthetic and Financial Links Between Commercial and Institutional Curatorial Practices (Sotheby’s Institute London, 14-15 Feb 2025)
Jointly organized by Sotheby’s Institute of Art and the Colnaghi Foundation, this international conference will explore the aesthetic, intellectual, and financial links between commercial and institutional curatorial practices, their synergies, the ways in…
CFP: Annual TIAMSA Conference Poznań 2025 (Adam Mickiewicz University, 4-5 July,2025)
TIAMSA Conference Poznań 2025The theme for the 2024 TIAMSA annual conference is ‘Art Market – beyond 2030’Friday 4 July– Saturday 5 JulyDeadline: 20 February 2025The conference is organised in cooperation with the Adam…
CONF: École thématique LA RECHERCHE DE PROVENANCE Objets, méthodes, actualités (Université Grenoble Alpes, 14 – 18 avril 2025)
Organisée par Alice Ensabella, Djamila Fellague et Marlen Schneider (avec le soutien de la Faculté H3S, du LARHRA et du LUHCIE) APPEL À CANDIDATURES (dans la limite de 20 places) Au cœur des…
CONF: Securities of Art: On the history of authentication between work, text and context (Haus für Medienkunst / Universität Oldenburg, 5-6 Dec 2024)
The workshop “Securities of art. On the history of authentication between work, text and context” will examine artistically conceived authentications that have become constitutive for the status and value of artworks since the…