CFP: Provenance Research and Restitution – Transdisciplinary Approaches (Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung / Universität Bonn – 8-10 Sept 2025)
The International Professional Association for Provenance Research (Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.) brings together almost 600 international researchers and experts dedicated to researching the provenance of cultural objects. Our members work in collecting institutions (such…
ANN: Ars Auro Prior- Restitution of Lost and Stolen Art Work- International Seminar
International seminar “Ars Auro Prior – Restitution of Lost and Stolen Art Works” will take place this year at the University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Law and Administration on 10th December. Online participation…
CONF: Restitution and Beyond – The Future of Benin’s Cultural Heritage (Museum Rietberg – 26 Oct 2024)
On the occasion of the current exhibitions on Benin at the Museum Rietberg and the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich, experts from Nigeria and Switzerland will discuss the future of Benin’s…
CONF: Transferred to Reich Ownership. Documenting, identifying and restituting Nazi-looted cultural property.(Prague, Sep 17-18, 2024)
The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WWII Victims is organizing the 8th international conference on the expropriation of property during the Second World War, which takes place on…
CONF: RRR-Gespräche – Veranstaltungsreihe zur Veröffentlichung des Restatement of Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art Auftaktveranstaltung (13 June, 19:00 Bonn time (Online))
Professor Dr Dan Michman, Leiter des International Institute for Holocaust Research und Inhaber des John Najmann Chair of Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
ANN: Restitution of Nazi-looted Art: The next 25 Years (Online Conference of the Universities of Bonn and Tel Aviv, 17 January 2024, 17:00 CET)
The Conference will mark the conclusion of a three-year’s joint project of the Bonn and Tel Aviv Universities. During the past three years, Professor Leora Bilsky and Professor Weller invited Israeli and German…
CONF: Law without Law. Conference on the Restitution of Nazi-Confiscated Art (Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, 16-17 Nov 2023)
25 years ago, in December 1998, the Washington Principles were signed at the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets. These principles asked for a new approach to the restitution of Nazi-confiscated art. Implementing this…
CONF: Zur Restitution von Objekten aus Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus – historische Rechts- und Eigentumsvorstellungen (Universität Gießen, 12-14 July 2023)
Aktuelle Debatten um Restitutionen von Objekten aus ehemaligen Kolonien und aus dem Nationalsozialismus behandeln zentrale Fragen nach Eigentumsordnungen hauptsächlich moralisch-politisch statt historisch-kritisch. An dieser Leerstelle setzt die Tagung an: Ziel ist es, (inter-)nationale…
CFP: NS-Raubgut aus dem östlichen Europa in Bibliotheken. Provenienz – Restitution – Forschungsstand (IOS Regensburg, 9-10 Nov 2023)
Vor mittlerweile 25 Jahren wurde die Washingtoner Erklärung über den Umgang mit NSverfolgungsbedingt entzogenem Kulturgut verabschiedet. Auch wenn in der Zwischenzeit auf dem Gebiet der Provenienzforschung viel geschehen ist, wurden nicht alle Facetten…