ANN: ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums’ (Keynote speech by Dr Tom Stammers)
Keynote speech by Dr Tom Stammers, Courtauld Institute of Art, first given on 25 September2024 at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon In 2024 a three-day colloquium, entitled ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the…
CONF: Curating and the Art Market – Exploring the Aesthetic and Financial Links Between Commercial and Institutional Curatorial Practices (Sotheby’s Institute London, 14-15 Feb 2025)
Jointly organized by Sotheby’s Institute of Art and the Colnaghi Foundation, this international conference will explore the aesthetic, intellectual, and financial links between commercial and institutional curatorial practices, their synergies, the ways in…
ANN: The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums’ (Lyon 25-27 Sept), Conference Report
A three-day international colloquium was held from 25 to 27 September on ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums’ at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. With…
CFP: Women Art Dealers and Collectors Promoting Non-Western Arts: The case of Pre-Columbian Art and the Indigenous Arts of North America (TIAMSA-The International Art Market Studies Association-CAA Affiliated Society Session)
This session pertains to WADDA | Women Art Dealers Digital Archives and focuses on one of WADDA’s goals, which is to bring attention to women gallerists who supported artists who may have been…
CONF: The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts – The role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums, 1792-1914 (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon – 25-27 Sept 2024)
This international three-day colloquium investigates the role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums in the circulation of the decorative arts from 1792 until 1914. Beginning with the ‘ventes des biens des émigrés’…
CFP: Montrer les collections médiévales (exPosition n°11)
En France, les événements révolutionnaires de 1789 ont accéléré une prise de conscience, dans les milieux érudits, de l’existence d’un patrimoine local, médiéval, dit « gothique ». Dès lors, des consignes ont été…
CONF: Die Kunsthandlung Julius Böhler in Relation zu Museen und Sammlungen (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München / online, 10-12 Apr 24)
Das Archiv der Kunsthandlung Julius Böhler, das sich seit 2015 im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) befindet, umfasst über 30.000 Karteikarten, ca. 8.000 Fotomappen und knapp 4.000 KundInnenkarten der Münchner Firma (gegr. 1880) sowie…
CFP: The Commerce & Circulation of Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums (Lyon, LARHRA – 25-27 Sep 2024)
This international three-day colloquium, to be held in Lyon, France, from 25 to 27 September 2024, will investigate the role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums in the circulation of the decorative…
EXH: Celebration – Monet to Van Gogh (Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany – closes 18 Feb 2024)
The Kunstverein in Bremen is celebrating its 200th anniversary with masterpieces from French painting. The focus is on a particularly splendid period at the beginning of the twentieth century when the Kunsthalle director…