JOB: Post-Doc Position on Knowledge Representation and Museum Collections (Leiden University)
The Department of Heritage and Society Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, is looking for a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the field of Knowledge Representation, Linked Data, and Museum Collection Data to join a project…
CONF: Boxerloot! – Museum collections, the ‘Boxer war’ and practices of plunder (Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich, 22-23 February 2024)
The conference “‘Boxerloot! Museum collections, the ‘Boxer war’ and practices of plunder” aims to open an international dialogue on the past and future of these objects. As we understand provenance research as going…
CFP – Digging up the Past: Exporting Antiquities in the Ottoman Empire from the Late 19th to the Early 20th Century ( 6-7 June 2024)
Until the de facto dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the balance of power in the variousprovinces was asymmetrical. A large part of the empire was under Ottoman rule, which wasperceived in…
ANN: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen von DNA-Analysen für die Provenienzforschung, Vortrag von Patrick Wittmeier (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste / CARMAH, 26 June 2023, 18:00 CEST)
Das Deutsche Zentrum Kulturgutverluste lädt in Kooperation mit CARMAH (Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage) zur Veranstaltungsreihe „Kolloquium Provenienzforschung“ ein. In der Provenienzforschung zu Kultur- und Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten rückt…
CONF: The Mutability of Collections – Transformation, Contextualisation and Re-Interpretation (Collecting & Display, London, 7 July 2023)
This one-day conference concentrates on the ways in which objects in collections are added, exchanged or disposed of, translated and transformed. Items can be moved to new surroundings and different decorative settings, resulting…
ANN: Max Hollein’s Reflections on The Met Collection and Cultural Property (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Read the Met Museum’s blog post by director Max Hollein who reflects on current discussions about cultural property, provides background on The Met collection, and previews several important initiatives, among them the hiring…
ANN: Wie kamen die Objekte ins Museum? Eine Spurensuche. (Berlin, 25 May-5 Oct 2023)
Die neue Gesprächsreihe in den Ausstellungen der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin fragt nach der Herkunft und der Bedeutung der Objekte: Wem haben sie einst gehört und wer hat sie hergebracht? Die Gespräche geben…
CONF: Carried Away! Research into the Provenance of Museum Objects from the ‘Boxer War’ (Humboldt Forum, Berlin, 2-3 Mar 2023)
On 2 and 3 March 2023, a workshop will be held at the Humboldt Forum on the provenance research conducted as part of the collaborative project Traces of the ‘Boxer War’ in German…
CONF: Sammlungen – Provenienz – Kulturelles Erbe 7.0 (Universität Würzburg – online, 2-3 Feb 2023)
Eine Kooperation der Fächer Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Museologie der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.