Agnew’s and Duveen: Seminar in Collecting and Display, London, 14 May 2018
The truth about Agnew’s and Duveen (1900-1930) Barbara Pezzini Monday, 14th May at 6pm Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St London, WC1E 7HU Pollard Seminar Room, N301, Third Floor Major private…
SEM: The Politics of Public Collecting (London, 26 March, 2018)
The Politics of Public Collecting: William Gladstone and the National Gallery Seminar in the History of Collecting The Wallace Collection 26 March 2018 5.30 pm Lecture by Dr. Barbara Pezzini (Editor-in-chief, Visual Resources)…
CONF: Art Dealers, America and the International Art Market, 1880-1930 (Los Angeles, Jan 18-19, 2018)
The Getty Research Institute presents a symposium on the role of international art dealers in creating the collections, museums, and intellectual culture of the American art world in the late 19th and early…
Invitation to Agnew’s Lectures at Spencer House, 1 July, London
As part of the 200th celebrations, Lord Anthony Crichton-Stuart and the Directors of Agnews invite you to a Series of Lectures in the Great Room at Spencer House 27 St. James’s Place London SW1A…
Lecture by Barbara Pezzini on: The mysterious sale of Velázquez’s ‘Rokeby Venus’, London (Dec 5, 2016)
National Gallery London, Sainsbury Wing Theatre December 5th, 2016, 1 – 1.45 pm Admission free When the painting appeared for sale at art dealers Agnew’s in November 1905, many believed it should…
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