ANN: Fördermöglichkeiten für Provenienzforschung im Bereich koloniale Kontexte (Digitale Infoveranstaltung des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste, 31 Mar 2023)
Der Fachbereich “Kultur- und Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten” des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste stellt seine Tätigkeit und die Fördermöglichkeiten im Rahmen einer online Veranstaltung vor. Seit mittlerweile vier Jahren hat das Deutsche Zentrum Kulturgutverluste…
CONF: La restituzione dei beni coloniali. Analisi comparativa tra Italia e Svizzera (Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 7 Mar 2023)
La questione della restituzione dei beni culturali coloniali è diventata un tema importante per i musei europei. In effetti, le richieste – sia da parte degli Stati, sia delle comunità locali – stanno…
CFP: Edited Volume: Collecting and the Value of Provenance
Contributions are being sought for a peer-reviewed, English-language edited volume on the value of provenance in collecting and art market practices. This book, to be edited by Christian Huemer and Johannes Nathan, and…
ANN: Appraisers Association of America: 2022 Art Law Day (Online/New York, 11 Nov 2022)
Art Law Day will take place on Friday, November 11 at the New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park South (at 7th Avenue). This year, Art Law Day will also be live streamed. The program…
ANN: Erased Memories: Italian colonialism and its material legacies; Lecture (Istituto Svizzero, Rome / online; 28 Jan 2022, 18:00 CET; in Italian)
Memorie cancellate: il colonialismo italiano e le sue eredità materiali Sebbene gli studiosi abbiano a lungo denunciato il silenzio che ha caratterizzato lo studio del passato coloniale dell’Italia, il revisionismo storico fatica a…
CFP: Expressionism Revisited. New Approaches and Research Questions (Brücke-Museum, Berlin, 25-28 Aug 2022)
(for German, see below) Which research questions arise from today’s public and scholarly discourses on German Expressionism? How can museums take these into account and include the changing perspectives and revised narratives in…
CFP: Things on the Move – Materiality of Objects in Global and Imperial Trajectories, 1700–1900 (London, German Historical Institute, 8-10 Sept 2022)
An International Conference organized by the German Historical Institute London in Collaboration with the Prize Papers Project The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were defined by increased globalization, the growth of empires outside Europe, the emergence…
CFP: Rethinking Contemporary Latin American Art (Arts Special Issue)
Guest Editors: Lesley A. Wolff (Texas Tech University); Gabriela Germana (University of South Florida) As today’s fleeting spectacles of art fairs, biennials, and NFTs increasingly shape a global consensus of contemporary Latin American…
ANN: Parcours d’objets : La mise en place d’un marché des arts africains en contexte colonial (video of a seminar at the INHA Paris, 23 Sept 2021; in French)
Session d’ouverture de la seconde année du séminaire de parcours d’objets sur les études de provenances des collections d’art « extra-occidental ». Nous attachant tout d’abord au contexte colonial d’acquisition des objets africains…