ANN: Spoliation and Recovery of Art and Antiquities from Italy (The Society for the History of Collecting/Online, 22 Mar 2022, 3pm GMT)
As Italy’s artistic heritage, both antiquities and fine art, has been hardest hit by the illicit art trade, these papers will focus on the country’s historic spoliation during the Renaissance, Napoleonic and Grand…
CONF: Illicit Trade / Europäischer Kulturgutschutz in der Sackgasse? (Hamburg, April 12, 2018)
KUNSTSAMMLER e.V. invites you to join them for a discussion of the EU law COM (2017) 375 proposing a new legislation against illicit trade in cultural goods Speaker Vincent Geerling, Chairman of the International Association of…
CFP: Art Crime and Stolen Heritage, Session at EAA (Maastricht, 30 Aug-3 Sep 17)
Deadline: Mar 15, 2017 Art Crime and Stolen Heritage: Towards an Archaeological Consensus Organizers: James Symonds, Nour A. Munawar, Lindsay Morehouse, Christine Acosta Weirich, Marina Lostal, Jens Notroff The looting of archaeological sites…