PUBL: Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia. Crossings and Encounters, ed. by Monique Bellan and Julia Drost (Orient Institut Beirut / Ergon, 2021; in French and English)
This volume discusses surrealism in literature and art in Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey between the 1930s and the 1980s. Surrealism emerged as a movement in art and literature in Europe in the…
CFP: Globalising the Avant-Garde. The 8th Conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (Lisbon, NOVA FCSH, 1-3 September 2022)
The conference will reflect on the process of the globalisation of avant-gardes in the arts and literature, and on the situation of artistic avant-gardes in the context of globalisation more generally – technologically, economically,…
CFP: First Annual International Women in Arts Conference (Rome/Lugano, 20-23 Oct 2021)
Call for papers for the First Annual International Women in Arts Conference to be held in Rome and Lugano in October, or as a virtual event pending pandemic situation. Session Co-ChairsConsuelo Lollobrigida, Ph.D….
CONF: Gustave Geffroy – Critique d’art Acteur de la vie culturelle (online / Université de Rennes, 18-19 Mar 2021)
Gustave Geffroy – Critique d’art Acteur de la vie culturelle Online / Université de Rennes, 18-19 Mar 2021 Gustave Geffroy (1855-1926), proche collaborateur et ami de Georges Clemenceau, est une personnalité majeure du…
ANN: Seeking PhD Applicants in American Studies (Art History, Film, Literature)
The University of Hong Kong is currently accepting applications for Ph.D. students in American Studies with an emphasis in Art History, Film Studies, and/or Literature. Application Deadline: 1 Dec 2020