PUBL: Handreichung Kulturgutentzug Sowjetische Besatzungszone und DDR
Die Handreichung „Kulturgutentzug in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone und in der DDR: Historische Hintergründe – Praxisbeispiele – Rechercheansätze“ trägt dem gewachsenen Interesse von Museumsmitarbeiterinnen und -mitarbeitern Rechnung, sich mit problematischen Sammlungszugängen nach 1945 zu…
CONF: Sensitive, problematic, contested? Challenges and opportunities in dealing with cultural heritage in museums (Kunsthaus, Museum Rietberg, Swiss National Museum Zürich – 20-22 Nov 2024)
The handling of cultural heritage in museums has become the focus of heated public discussions in recent years. At the centre of the debate is a critical examination of collection histories and object…
CONF: Die Zukunft des Sammelns. Das Museum von morgen (GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig – 29/30 Nov 2024)
Im Rahmen seines 150-jährigen Jubiläums richtet das GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig eine Tagung mit einem Festvortrag und sechs Impulsen zu den Themen Provenienzforschung, Chancen des Digitalen, Depotentwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit, Sammeln und Outreach…
CFP: Museum exhibitions session at the Association for Art History Conference 2025
CFP: Association for Art History Annual Conference9–11 April 2025, University of YorkSession: Museum Exhibitions and the Political Economy of Exchange Deadline: 1st November 2024 Temporary exhibitions shared between museums are labour-, capital-, and time-intensive…
CFA: Mellon Workshop on Detective Art History (University of Delaware / Winterthur Museum – 2 Nov 2024)
With support from the Andrew W. Mellon grant, the Department of Art History of the University of Delaware and the Scientific and Analysis Laboratory of the Conservation Department of the Winterthur Museum, Library…
CONF: De la galerie au musée. Histoires de collections de marchands d’art (DFK Paris, 8 Oct 2024)
En écho à celle de Paul Guillaume, dont la collection constitue le coeur du musée de l’Orangerie, la trajectoire parisienne du marchand allemand Heinz Berggruen invite à se pencher sur les collections de…
CONF: The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts – The role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums, 1792-1914 (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon – 25-27 Sept 2024)
This international three-day colloquium investigates the role played by auctions, dealers, collectors, and museums in the circulation of the decorative arts from 1792 until 1914. Beginning with the ‘ventes des biens des émigrés’…
NEWS: Kim Oosterlinck as Directeur des musées royaux des Beaux-Arts
Dear Fellow TIAMSA Members, It is my great pleasure to share with you the nomination of TIAMSA co-chair Kim Oosterlinck as Directeur des musées royaux des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. His predecessor Michel Draget…
CFP: Objects on the Move. Unpacking the Narratives of Circulating Exhibitions 1900–1952 – Guest Editor: Paola Cordera (Museum, Materials and Discussions. Journal of Museum Studies)
In the 1950s, interest emerged among scholars and museum professionals in circulating exhibitions as a distinct format with its own theoretical principles, goals and technical issues. The 1950 publication of a themed issue…