CFP: Globalized Art Markets. Methodological and Theoretical Challenges of Interdisciplinary Art Market Research (Cologne, 28-28 Sep 2023)
Globalisierte Kunstmärkte. Methodische und theoretische Herausforderungen interdisziplinärer. Kunstmarktforschung Jahrestagung des AK Soziologie der Künste in Kooperation mit dem AK Soziologie des Be/Wertens in der DGS und dem ZADIK | Zentralarchiv für deutsche und…
ANN: The Market for Modernism (Metropolitan Museum of Art / online; 11 May 2021, 12–1:15 pm)
Between 1850 and 1950, when art collecting in France stalled due to the devastating effects of two world wars, revolution, currency devaluation, and economic uncertainty, it accelerated internationally, gaining interest from foreign collectors. Enterprising…
CFP: Mapping South-South Connections: Networks, Alliances and New Actors on the International Scene during the Decolonization Process and Cold War in Latin America, Asia and Africa 1810-1990 (Tehran / Online, 21-22 Nov 2020)
Call for papers: Mapping South-South Connections: Networks, Alliances and New Actors on the International Scene during the Decolonization Process and Cold War in Latin America, Asia and Africa (1810-1990) Tehran / onlineAllameh Tabataba’i…
ANN: TIAMSA Networking in Times of Corona
Dear Reader of TIAMSA’s Announcements, we sincerely hope that you, your family and friends are well and in good spirits in these troubling times! As the world is facing a severe health crisis,…