CFP: Marks on 16th- and 17th-century paintings on panel and copper supports (RKD, The Hague – 30 Oct 2025)
In preparation of the Marks on Art symposium on 30 October 2025, organized by the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, the academic committee invites scholars to submit proposals for papers on…
EXH: D’où je viens (Musée Jenisch Vevey, Switzerland – until 23 Feb 2025)
En traversant les siècles jusqu’à nous, peintures, dessins et gravures transitent de mains en mains, se parent d’inscriptions et de traces, allant parfois jusqu’à prolonger leur existence dans un lieu pérenne : un musée….
CFP: Wax-resin lining: history, effects on paintings, consequences for conservation (University of Amsterdam)
The Amsterdam Wax-Resin Project (AWRP) at the department Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is preparing a publication on wax-resin lining. Authors are invited to submit an…
CONF: „Zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, zum Dritten“ Das Auktionshaus Rudolf Bangel in Frankfurt am Main, 1873-1929 (Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt – 3 July 2024)
Das Frankfurter Familienunternehmen Rudolf Bangel hat über 50 Jahre den Auktionshandel in Deutschland mitbestimmt. 1870 gegründet konnte es sich bald als das aktivste Versteigerungshaus der Stadt etablieren. Neben Gemälden, Kunstgewerbe und Möbeln wurden…
CONF: L’impressionnisme à travers champs. Nouveaux regards interdisciplinaires (Musée d’Orsay, Paris – 16-18 May 2024)
L’impressionnisme a 150 ans. Cet art du « plein air », dont nous fêtons l’anniversaire, conserve pourtant toute son actualité en soulevant des problématiques – liées au territoire et à l’environnement, au temps…
ANN: Michel and Irma van Gelder Papers, 1898-1971 (Wildenstein Plattner Institute)
The Michel and Irma van Gelder Papers (1898–1971) document the history of the van Gelder collection and their activities as art dealers. Michel van Gelder (1864–1929) and his wife Irma van Gelder (1881–?)…
ANN: Emerging from the Shadows – The Curious History of a Forgotten Painting by Nicolas Poussin. Lecture by Prof. dr. Jelena Todorović (Collecting & Display / online – 19 Feb 2024, 18:00 GMT)
When Nicolas Poussin created the sensual image inspired by the myth of Venus and Adonis in 1627/28, he produced it in several identical replicas, of which three have been recognised by European scholarship….
CONF: 17th Century Foreign Insights on Dutch Art (University of Geneva, 17-18 Mar 2022)
Registration is now open for “The Envy of some, the Fear of others, and the Wonder of all their Neighbours” Seventeenth-Century Foreign Insights on Dutch Art, the final conference of the project Un siècle d’Or? Repenser la peinture hollandaise…
CFP: Gold in Renaissance Western Europe. Interdisciplinary Approaches (Paris, 9-10 Jun 2022)
In his influential book on painting and visual culture in fifteenth-century Italy (Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy, 1972), Michael Baxandall described the abandonment of gold in painting practices as a sensitive phenomenon…