ANN: Register an event for the Provenance Research Day on 12 April 2023 (Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung)

A Provenance Research Day has been organized every year since 2019. This year it will be held 12 April 2023.

With the Provenance Research Day the “Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung” aims to support institutions in their promotion of provenance research. All institutions that conduct provenance research in the broadest sense are invited to organize their own event on the occasion of this year’s Provenance Research Day.

Relevant topics include:

– research on the provenance of cultural artefacts from colonial contexts

– research on Nazi-looted art and „Fluchtgut”

– research on objects expropriated in the Soviet occupation zone/GDR

– research on the collection policy/history of a museum


You may submit your institution’s event by filling the form at: