Submissions are invited for ‘Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art’, an international and independent journal, based on a peer review system and dedicated to the study of the methods of attribution and authentication of archaeological and art-historical artifacts.
Deadline: 15 Feb 2021
Founded by Monica Salvadori (Editor in Chief), Federica Toniolo, Andrea Tomezzoli, Marta Nezzo, Monica Baggio and Luca Zamparo, Authenticity Studies is a journal of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua and is published by Padova University Press.
Authenticity Studies is an open access electronic journal (with ISSN) which is based on an anonymous and international double peer review system. Authors submitting a contribution to Authenticity Studies guarantee the originality of their works, the intellectual property of the contribution and the absence of conflicts of interest or economic interests arising from the publication of the attribution/authentication.
– Authenticity Studies does not accept attribution or authentication researches of objects of uncertain or incorrectly reconstructed provenance (and/or ownership).
– Authenticity Studies does not accept attributions or authentication of items offered for sale.
– Authenticity Studies publishes a yearly issue in October.
Manuscripts must be sent to authenticity.studies.dbc@unipd.it by February 15th, 2021. For more information and a stylesheet please email Luca Zamparo: luca.zamparo@unipd.it
Publication is free of charge.
Manuscript style:
– Formats for the text and tables of your manuscript are: doc, docx.
– Any supplementary files should be in Microsoft Word Format. PDFs are not
– Articles should be compiled in the following order: title page; author(s); abstract; keywords; main text (number of tables and figures cited in the article); acknowledgement; references; appendices.
– Please DO NOT write your name inside the text, as the author(s) must remain anonymous to the referees (articles are read at least by two referees). Latin and foreign words must be italicized.
– We prefer not abbreviated word, except some common abbreviations (N.B., etc., e.g., i.e., Id., Ead.).
– Dates must be given in day/month/year.
– Articles can be in English, Italian, German, French or Spanish.
– If the text is written in a language other than English, the title, abstract and keywords must always be presented in two languages.
– Essays should not exceed 60.000 characters (all included) and 20 figures.
– Short news should not exceed 40.000 characters (all included) and 10
– Reports should not exceed 10.000 characters (all included) and 3 figures.
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