University Paris 8, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, June 13 – 15, 2019
International Symposium: “DEA_Design d’Espace/Allestimento/Exhibition Design”
Considered as an intellectual process that brings together various forms of exhibiting within a process of spectatorial interrelation, Exhibition Design is today a process of visual representation, the product of an architectural gesture, a creative process in its own right, and a spectator immersion tool. At a time when the Exhibition Design is thus called to respond to the complexity of multiple social realities, the questioning of the heuristic potential of such a discipline is urgent.
Far from probing the traditional variations of the Exhibition Design, the first edition of the International Conference DEA (Design d’Espace/ Allestimento) aims to mobilise a critical rendition of contemporary methods of exhibiting.
This conference is part of the DEA research project which seeks to probe the contemporary dynamics that articulate the exhibition design with the built environment, the urban space, the exhibited architecture, the contemporary curating, and the idea of habitat as an expression of places of collective life.
The conference will be held on June 13th, 14th and 15th at Paris 8 University and ENSA Paris-Malaquais.
Saturday, June 15th, at 2.30 pm, the Belgian artist Wesley Meuris will be present at ENSA Paris-Malaquais for a conversation around the issue.
The symposium is organized by Pamela Bianchi (Paris 8 University) and Chiara Rubessi (Grenoble Alpes University), with the support of the lab. AI / AC (Image Arts and Contemporary Art), Paris 8 University; ENSA Paris Malaquais – Dep. Theory History Project, Lab. GERPHAU; IDEA Milano.
9h Registration Amphi Y
10h Welcoming Pamela Bianchi, Chiara Rubessi
10h15 -11h00 Keynote Speaker
Luciano Crespi (Politecnico di Milano)
Exhibition Design comme une philosophie de projet
Session 1 Chair Pamela Bianchi
Alba di Lieto (Direzione Musei D’Arte, Monumenti-Comune di Verona) Marzia Guastella (Architect)
Dialogues Between Ancient and Contemporary. Experiences of Exhibit Design in the Museo di Castelvecchio by Carlo Scarpa in Verona
Eve Kalyva (Independent Researcher)
Away With the Basics? Stedelijk’s BASE and the White Cube 2.0
Bernard Knodel (Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel)
L’exposition La Suisse présente la Suisse (1971-1972, Musée dynamique de Dakar): une transposition des principes expographiques de Jean Gabus ?
12h45 -14h30 Lunch Break
Session 2 Chair Bernard Haumont
Marco Borsotti (Politecnico di Milano)
A Brief Journey Through Definitions of Contemporary Exhibition Design
Alain Milon (Université Paris Nanterre, membre de l’IUF – Institut Universitaire de France)
La place de l’objet dans l’espace d’exposition : les propositions de G. Simmel
Jean-Pierre Vallier (ENSA Paris-Malaquais)
On démontre le réel, on ne le montre pas franchir ou ne pas franchir le 4e mur
16h00-16h30 Coffee Break
Session 3 Chair Jean-Pierre Vallier
Rossella Locatelli (Politecnico di Milano)
Time and Fashion: the Allestimenti for the First Florence Biennale as a Place for Aesthetic Experimentation of the Fashion Tale in Italy
Emmanuèle Payen (BPI-Centre Pompidou)
Valentina Dodi (Scénographe)
Exposer la littérature : quand la bibliothèque dialogue avec la littérature
17h30 -18h00 Roberto Zancan (HEAD-Genève)
Allestire la città.”Allestire la città”. Le laboratoire Ronconi-Aulenti à Prato et le dialogue entre théâtre et architecture
9h30 Registration Amphi Y
10h-10h45 Keynote Speaker
Martine Bouchier (ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine)
Esthétique systémique et design
Session 1 Chair Roberto Gigliotti
11h00 -11h30
Alessandro Colombo (Architect, IDEA)
Urban Exhibition Design. Milan Ten Years of Research
Bernard Haumont (ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine)
Quand la culture se met en scène
Jacopo Leveratto (Politecnico di Milano)
Tactical Settings: The Rehearsed City
12h30-14h30 Lunch Break
Session 2 Chair Chiara Rubessi
Simona Calvagna (Università di Catania, DICAR)
Expérimenter l’espace piranésien
Elise Migraine (EPLF+ECAL Lab. École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Roger Tallon — Archives en mouvements
Dominik Lengyel, Christine Toulouse (Université Cottbus-Senftenberg)
Abstraction comme outil de médiation virtuelle d’architecture hypothétique au public
16h00-16h30 Coffee Break
Session 3 Chair Martine Bouchier
Ascanio Cecco (Université de Lausanne)
L’exposition sans les murs : structures modulaires dans les années 1950-1960
Maria Bruna Fabrizi (ENSA Marne-la-Vallée)
Inner Spaces. La spatialisation de la pensée
Marina Khemis (Studio Adrien Gardère)
Vers une nouvelle culture du projet: dynamiques de co-conception du design d’espace et de l’architecture
9h30 Registration — Bâtiment Callot
10h-10h45 Keynote Speaker
Adrien Gardère (Studio Adrien Gardère)
Session 1 Chair Marco Borsotti
Pierre Hyppolite (Paris X Nanterre)
Design d’spaces et dispositifs de fiction
Roberto Gigliotti Libera (Università di Bolzano)
The Spaces of Architecture’s Narration as a Field of Experimentation. The Case of ar/ge Kunst, Bolzano
Raffaella Trocchianesi (Politecnico di Milano)
Participatory Approach to Design Cultural Experiences in Museums and Temporary Exhibitions
12h30 — 14h30 Lunch Break
Plenary Session Chair Pamela Bianchi
14h30—16h00 Conversation with the artist Wesley Meuris
16h00 Closing Remarks
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