Tuesday, 23 October 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Inauguration of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Professorships
for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law, University of Bonn
Wednesday, 24 October 2018, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
First Conference of the Bonn University Research Center
for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law
Venue (for both events):
Universitätsclub, Konviktstraße 9, D – 53113 Bonn
Language: German
As of 1 April 2018, the University of Bonn, Germany, established two new chairs, one for Modern Art History (19th – 21st century) with a special focus on provenance research and collection history. This chair is held by Professor Dr Christoph Zuschlag.
The other chair for civil law, art and cultural property law is held by Professor Dr Matthias Weller, Mag.rer.publ. The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung supported the establishment of these chairs. In addition, the University of Bonn instituted a Junior Professorship for provenance research in art history, held by Professor Dr. des. Ulrike Saß. These three new chairs will build an interdisciplinary center of competence at the University of Bonn. For those who read German, additional information may be retrieved from the University’s Press Release attached to this email and from this link: https://www.uni-bonn.de/neues/122-2018.
On Wednesday, 24 October 2018, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. the new Research Center for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law will hold its first conference with three presentations on provenance research in the morning and three presentations on art and cultural property law in the afternoon.
In the morning, inter alia, Professor Dr Gilbert Lupfer, Technical University of Dresden / State Art Collection of Dresden / German Lost Art Foundation will speak on „Entzug von Kunstwerken in SBZ und DDR – eine Aufgabe für die Provenienzforschung in ganz Deutschland?“. In the afternoon, Professor James Bindenagel, Former US Special Embassador, Henry Kissinger Professor and Director of the Center for International Security and Governance at the University of Bonn (in English) on „An Unfinished Story of Artworks Looted during the Holocaust: The Washington Principles on Nazi-confiscated Art at Twenty Years“.
The conference is organised in cooperation with the German Institute of Art and Law. On Wednesday night you will have the chance to visit the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck.
Please save the date for these two events. The full program to follow shortly.
Please feel free to register already by email to sekretariat.weller@jura.uni-bonn.de.
Reference: Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller, Mag. rer. publ.
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