(From the contribution by Paul Melton:) “Portrayals of the art market have so far received scant scholarly inquiry from either cultural studies or art market studies. Within popular culture, perhaps, the art market has been too narrow (or too protected?) a niche to attract much cultural studies attention while also being too far from “the real thing” to merit analysis by art historians or cultur-al social scientists concerned with the art market. This issue seeks to make a case for the importance of paying attention to these cultural forms and rigorously analyzing them to further our understanding of the art market.”
Paul Melton: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”: Cultural Studies and / as Art Market Studies
Michael Hutter: Three views of a saleroom. Valorization in and valuation of visual artworks by (mostly) Watteau, Altman and Banksy
Nick Pearce: “Twice as valuable as that of Eumorphopulos and twice as famous…” (Vita Sackville-West, All Passion Spent, 1931) – The real and imaginary world of the Chinese art collector
Claudia Quinones Vila: Through a Screen, Darkly: Exploring Media Representations of the Art Market during 2010-2019
Bernd Friedrich Schon: (Con)Artistic Strategies for How to Succeed in the Art Market. Orson Welles’ “F for Fake” and Banksy’s “Exit through the Gift shop”
Jeffrey Taylor: Art Forgers and the Deconstruction of Genius
For more information, see: https://fokum-jams.org/index.php/jams/issue/view/14