University of Rouen
Application deadline: Oct 31, 2019
As part of the preparation for the conference Collecting Impressionism (University of Rouen, 25 – 26 June 2020), research grants are offered. They are intended to support works that will be presented as a paper at the colloquium. This research should be conducted in Normandy, Paris and/or Ile-de-France, in order to uncover little-known sources, collections or collectors. These grants are designed for young researchers or PhDs for less than five years, regardless of where they live. Those who hope to benefit from these grants are to send, in addition to their communication proposal, a motivated research project detailing which collections and resources they plan to study, in Normandy and / or in Île-de-France, utility of a software to lead their research, originals shootings, etc.
All proposals (for communications and grant applications) are to be sent to collectionner.limpressionnisme@gmail.com before October 31, 2019. Proposals for communications will be no more than 1 page long and will be accompanied by a short bio-bibliography.
In addition to the communication proposal, the CV and the bio-bibliographic note required by the Call for Papers, the application file for the research grants will include the following documents:
– letter of motivation
– research project including a bibliography and, if applicable, a list of funds to be analyzed (3 pages maximum)
– request for financing with estimated budget (travel, stay, software, quote …)
– 600 € maximum for French researchers and 1000 € for international researchers
– There is no time limit, and scholarships can cover short stays
Recipients will work independently on their research project, which will lead to a paper at the symposium and a research report. They will be part of the Impressionism Research Program and symposium team. They will be presented on a dedicated page on the website with their photograph, profile, project and research report. They will contribute to the pages of the website on the latest research on Impressionism.
Application files, titled: “Grants – Collecting impressionism – NAME” are to be sent in a pdf document of the same title (Grants – Collecting impressionism – NAME) to collectionner.limpressionnisme@gmail.com before October 31, 2019
The list of recipients will be posted on the website of the Paris Nanterre University Foundation, on the HAR laboratory site and on the GRHIS laboratory site by the end of November. The amount of the grants will be paid from January 2020.
An international symposium organised by the Paris Nanterre University Foundation in partnership with the Labex «Les Passés dans le Présent», and the University of Rouen Normandy, with support from the Contrat Normandie-Paris Île-de-France: destination impressionnisme, as part of the research program on Impressionism.
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