CONF: Kunst- und Kulturgüter in Zirkulation – Forschungsperspektiven auf den Auktionsmarkt (ZADIK, Cologne – 10-11 March 2025)
Geschäftsunterlagen von Auktionshäusern gelangen nur selten in die Öffentlichkeit. Die darin enthaltenen Informationen bieten jedoch das Potential unerlässliche Daten für zahlreiche Forschungsgebiete zu liefern, da Akten des Kunsthandels besonders bei Privatverkäufen häufig die…
CFP: The Business of Art, au féminin (Paris, 26-27 Sep 25)
The Business of Art, au féminin: Women’s Enterprise in the French Art Economy (late 1600s to 1945). Bringing together the history of art, the history of women, and economic history, this colloquium will…
ANN: The Medici and the Princely Courts of Central and Eastern Europe: Art, Diplomacy and Material Culture (Workshop, Florence, 7 Feb 2025)
Please join us in Florence for a workshop dedicated to communications between the Medici and courts in Central and Eastern Europe. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP7 FEBRUARY 2025 – PALAZZO ALBERTI, FLORENCE—Opening Remarks: 9:00Alessio Assonitis (The…
CFP: Lausanne Art & Innovation Law Conference
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) LL.M. in International Business Law & CEDIDAC are inviting abstracts on the topic of Art & Innovation Law. Deadline for Abstracts: 15 March 2025 / Deadline for Papers:…
CFP: 23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics( Erasmus University Rotterdam, 24-27 June, 2025)
The Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) invites you to participate in the 23rdInternational Conference on Cultural Economics, to be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam.This conference marks half a century since the founding…
CONF: Securities of Art: On the history of authentication between work, text and context (Haus für Medienkunst / Universität Oldenburg, 5-6 Dec 2024)
The workshop “Securities of art. On the history of authentication between work, text and context” will examine artistically conceived authentications that have become constitutive for the status and value of artworks since the…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi, Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990. (Online,13 Dec 2024, 18:30 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its twelfth book discussion: Women Art DealersCreating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024).Author Caterina Toschi (University for Foreigners of Siena) will discuss her new book,followed by a…
CONF: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesetz und Praxis: Kunsttransfer in der Schweiz (Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Zürich, 28-29 Nov 2024)
Dieser interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Workshop ist dem transnationalen Kunstransfer in der Schweiz um die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts gewidmet. Im Zentrum der Veranstaltung steht das Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesetz und Praxis, das einerseits die gesetzlichen…
EXH: The Path to Art. The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte (Art Cologne, 7-10 Nov 2024 / ZADIK Cologne, until 28 Sep 2025)
The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte closed its doors in 2015 and handed over its business records to ZADIK. They bear witness to the almost eighty-year history of the auction house, which…