CONF: Researching antiquities collections through auction catalogues: potential and pitfalls (London, Institute of Classical Studies – online, 22 Sep 2023)
Event dates: 22 September 2023, 10:00AM – 4:00PM For more information: For the Call for Papers:
ANN: Call for Applications – Executive Master in Cultural Leadership
Join other international executive students on this unique 24-month master’s programme which brings together cultural leaders, world-class practitioners, experts and academics to provide a 360-degree view of the arts and culture industries. Designed…
ANN: Collections and Impermanence: Transfer, Exchange and Disposal (Online/Society for the History of Collecting, 10 & 17 Nov 2022)
The Society for the History of Collecting is pleased to invite you to its PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop – open to all. Online, Thursday 10th November (5.30-7.45pm GMT; 6.30-8.45pm CET; 12:45-2:45pm EDT;…
CONF: Collections (The NORDIK Association for Art Historians; online, 25-27 Oct 2022)
Collections are the basis for art history as we know it. Whether in museums or on the pages of treatises, we bring objects and artworks together and ascribe meaning to them. Throughout history,…
CFP: The Academie Royale Art Collection (DFK / Centre-Vivant Denon, Louvre / INHA, Paris)
This book aspires to highlight the importance of the art collection that the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture assembled in the century and a half of its existence (1648-1793) and show…
TIAMSA Member Discount: PUB: When Michelangelo Was Modern: Collecting, Patronage and the Art Market in Italy, 1450 – 1650 (Brill, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets Vol. 14, Edited by Inge Reist)
This post or area is restricted to our paying members. If you are a member, please log in. Not a TIAMSA member yet? Have a look at our benefits and become a member here.
CFP: Signs with Symbolic Character. Collections as a Mirror of Social Values (Munich, 4 Nov 2022)
The Art History Department of the University of Munich (LMU) is organising a one-day workshop during the first network meeting of the Transuniversity Doctoral Forum of Provenance Research (TPP) in Munich. This workshop…
CFP: What’s a Collection Nowadays? / Qu’est-ce qu’une collection aujourd’hui ? (Univ. de Montréal / Ecole du Louvre, Paris/online, 17-21 Oct 22)
Le groupe de recherche CIÉCO et l’École du Louvre s’associent pour l’organisation du colloque inaugural du Partenariat (CRSH 2021-2028) sur « les nouveaux usages des collections dans les musées d’art ». Le colloque réunira…
ANN: Non-dits et mouvements des collections (Munich, Institut français / LMU, 26 Apr-12 Jul 2022)
Kaulbachstr. 13, 80539 München, 26.04.–12.07.2022 Veranstaltungsreihe:Was hinter der Kunst steht? Non-dits et mouvements des collections. Alors que les questions liées à l’origine et la provenance des objets incitent à penser les collections et…