CFP: Belvedere Research Journal, First Issue
We are inviting the first round of submissions to the newly founded Belvedere Research Journal (BRJ), a peer-reviewed, open access e-journal. We seek articles that shed new light on the visual culture of…
CFP: International Conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies IV (Zagreb, 3-4 Oct 2022)
The fourth edition of the conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies will bring together established and early career scholars, independent researchers, and professionals involved with the transdisciplinary research in Digital Humanities,…
ANN: The Art Museum in the Digital Age – 2022 (Online, 17-21 Jan 2022)
German version below** The Belvedere Research Center is continuing its conference series on the digital transformation of art museums with its fourth event on the topic. The COVID-19 pandemic, and our resultant inability…
CONF: Digital Methods in History and Economics (University of Hamburg / zoom; 14-15 Oct 2021)
The application of digital methods is a fast-growing field in humanities, social sciences, and economics, influencing research practices within the different disciplines. This workshop, an integral part of DFG priority programme 1859 “Experience & Expectation: Historical…
CFP: Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies III (Zagreb/Online, 12–13 Oct 2021)
The third edition of the conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies aims at bringing together established and early career scholars, independent researchers, and professionals involved with the transdisciplinary digital research initiatives, to critically…
CONF: “Virtual Exhibitions: From real life into the world of art. Typologies, Experiences and Narratives” (online/Centre Pompidou Málaga, 10 June 2021)
Since 2016, researchers of the project I+D+i ART-ES. Appropriations and hybridizations between the visual arts and the performing arts have been working on a virtual exhibition focusing on the hybridization of the arts in…
CONF: Mapping the Landscapes of Digital Art History / Experimente: Landschaften der Digitalen Kunstgeschichte kartieren (online, Arbeitskreis Digital Humanities, 10-11 Jun 2021; in German)
Wie lassen sich die Landschaften der Digitalen Kunstgeschichte durch digitale Repräsentationen und Visualisierungen besser erschließen und vernetzen? In einem zweitägigen Workshop möchten wir miteinander Ideen sammeln, Ansätze erproben und gemeinsam diskutieren. Register by:…
CONF: Digital Humanities (Rome, 23-24 May 18)
Rome, May 23 – 24, 2018 DIGITAL HUMANITIES PER LA PRATICA ACCADEMICA E CURATORIALE | FOR ACADEMIC AND CURATORIAL PRACTICE VI Giornata Internazionale di Studi Dottorali del Rome Art History Network A cura di Angelica…
CONF: Roads, Routes and Networks (Cambridge, 30 Apr 18)
Cambridge (MA) Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University RCC Conference Room 26 Trowbridge St. April 30, 2018 Roads, Routes and Networks: Visualizing Art Historical Information Digital Humanities Colloquium Space and movement have always…