TIAMSA Member News: New Publication – Measuring Art Markets, The Colorado Art Market in 2017 by Jeffrey Taylor, Mayela Cardenas and Stephanie Edwards
Abstract The art market represents a sector of economic activity that is highly entrepreneurial and comprised of many small businesses and individuals. Since the bulk of production and sales takes place through these…
TIAMSA News: Call for academic essays for an edited book following the TIAMSA Art Fair conference 2017
The Art Fair: The Rise of a Global Phenomenon Editor: Stephanie Dieckvoss, Senior Lecturer Kingston University (s.dieckvoss@kingston.ac.uk) Context: Following on from the successful first TIAMSA Conference on art fairs in summer 2017 this…
TIAMSA Members News: New publication – Networking Surrealism in the USA. Agents, Artists, and the Market, by Fabrice Flahutez, Julia Drost, Anne Helmreich and Martin Schieder, (Hrsg.)
This volume brings the complex networks that fostered and sustained surrealism in North America into academic focus. Who — among collectors, critics, dealers, galleries, and other kinds of mediating agents — supported the…
PUB: ‘Ancient Marbles in Naples in the Eighteenth Century – Findings, Collections, Dispersals’, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets (Vol. 7) by Eloisa Dodero
In Ancient Marbles in Naples in the Eighteenth Century Eloisa Dodero aims at documenting the history of numerous private collections formed in Naples during the 18th century, with particular concern for the “Neapolitan…
PUB: New volume of Studi di Memofonte on “The Transfer of Jewish-owned Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region”
The current issue of «Studi di Memofonte» (access via https://www.memofonte.it/studi-di-memofonte/numero-22-2019/) features selected papers that had been presented at an international workshop at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca on September 18th-19th, 2017 (see https://www.transcultaa.eu/2017/07/27/conf-the-transfer-of-jewish-owned-cultural-objects-lucca-18-19-sep-17/…
TIAMSA MEMBERS: Discount for ‘London and the Emergence of a European Art Market, 1780-1820′(Yale University Press / Getty Publications 2018) ed. by Susanna Avery-Quash and Christian Huemer
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CFP: World 3: Art History and Globalization
OCAT Institute, Beijing, China, June 12 – October 31, 2019 Call for Papers__World 3: Art History and Globalization (2018) World 3 is an annually published academic journal organized by OCAT Institute. Taking art…
PUB: Transatlantic Transactions and the Domestic Market: Agnew’s Stock Books in 1894–1895 by Barbara Pezzini and Alan Crookham
open access: https://www.britishartstudies.ac.uk/issues/issue-index/issue-12/agnews-stock-books This essay uses the case study of a prominent firm of art dealers, Thos. Agnew and Sons (Agnew’s), to present a methodological discussion of how digital tools can be used…
PUB: Artl@s Bulletin vol. 8,1
Artl@s Bulletin vol. 8, issue 1 (Spring 2019). Women Artists Shows.Salons.Societies (1870s-1970s)Edited by Hanna Alkema and Catherine Dossin Women Artists Shows·Salons·Societies: Towards a Global History of All-Women ExhibitionsHanna Alkema and Catherine Dossin Autour…