STIP: Beauford Delaney Research Grant for 1 Year Research Projects on African American Art (INHA, Paris)
The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US, in partnership with FACE Foundation, and with support from the Ford Foundation, is proud to announce the new Beauford Delaney Research Grant, which funds travel and…
TOMORROW – TIAMSA’s Session at the CAA Conference: „New Topics on Art Markets in East Central Europe” (11 February, 16:00-16:30 CET; in English)
Our academic session, “New topics on art markets in East Central Europe“ on 11 February is chaired by Andrej Srakar, and offers three fascinating papers by Feliks Tuszko (University of Warsaw), Jeffrey Taylor…
TIAMSA Member Publication: The Foundation of the Hotel Drouot and the Development of the Paris Art Market in the 19th Century, by Lukas Fuchsgruber (in German; Paris, 2020)
German Title:Lukas Fuchsgruber, Das Spektakel der Auktion. Die Gründung des Hôtel Drouot und die Entwicklung des Pariser Kunstmarkts im 19. Jahrhundert (Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme / Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, 2020; in…
STIP: 6 Months Fellowship in Latin American Art History (C20/21) for Development of a Post-Doc Research Project (2021/22, Madrid: Casa de Velázquez / MIAS; Paris: DFK)
6 Months Fellowship in Latin American Art History (C20/21) for Development of a Post-Doc Research Project (2021/22: Madrid, Casa de Velázquez / MIAS; Paris, DFK) Deadline: 30 Nov 2020
TIAMSA Member Announcement: CONF: The Paris World Fairs – (Re-)Productions of Art (12-13 Nov 20; online, DFK Paris & TU Darmstadt)
International Study Course organized by Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK Paris) and Technische Universität Darmstadt. The event is public and free of charge.Registration is requested at: dehn@mode.tu-darmstadt.deThe event will take place via Zoom in…
ANN: Séminare “Parcours d’objets. Études de provenance des collections d’art « extra-occidental »” – INHA, Paris (24 Sep / 15 Oct / 12 Nov / 17 Dec)
Séminaire | Parcours d’objets. Études de provenance des collections d’art « extra-occidental.24 Sep / 15 Oct / 12 Nov / 17 Dec Les collections dites « extra-occidentales » conservées dans des musées publics…
ANN: Seminaire – Les musées face à l’histoire. Comment montrer la spoliation et la restitution ? (Paris, 1 Apr 2020)
Lecture at the INHA, Paris from the seminar program:Heritage looted during the Nazi period (1933-1945) – Consequences, memories and traces spoliation 1818 H 30 – 20 H, 1 AvrilInstitut national d’histoire de l’art,…
STIP: Paris| Rennes-Stipendium, DFK Paris
Das Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK Paris) vergibt das Paris | Rennes-Stipendium für einen Zeitraum von ein bis drei Monaten zur Förderung eines Forschungsprojektes, das einen Aufenthalt in den Pariser Archiven oder Bibliotheken…
CFP: Collectionner: acteurs, lieux et valeur(s) (Paris, 15-16 Jun 20)
Lieu : salle Jullian (15 juin) et salle Vasari (16 juin)Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) 6 rue des Petits Champs, 75002 Paris, June 15 – 16, 2020Deadline: Apr 5, 2020 Collectionner: acteurs,…