TIAMSA Member News: Lecture by Adelaide Duarte – “Museu Coleção Berardo: The Deviation of a Collector’s Narrative“ (Collecting and Display / online, 14 June 2021, 6pm BST)
In today’s globalized world, private collectors have played an increasingly important role in cultural life and their categorization has become more complex. As discussed in Marta Gnyp, The Shift, 2015, leading cosmopolitan collectors…
ANN: Lecture ‘Collecting practices in the Gulf’ by Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya (online / University of Edinburgh Collecting and Art Market Research Cluster, Tues 27 Apr 2021)
Sheikh Saoud bin Mohamed bin Ali Al Thani (1966-2014) was one of the most prominent art collectors of the last decades. He was very influential in the constitution of collections for Qatar Museums…
ANN: Lecture – Collecting Continuums: What Now | The Huntington (Online; 27 Jan 2021)
Collecting Continuums: What NowWed, 27 Jan 2021 | 4 p.m.–5:15 p.m PSTVia ZoomFree with reservation Join Huntington Library curators and members of the trade, library, and collecting communities for a panel discussion on individual and…
PUBL: The New York Art Market Report, by Clare McAndrew et al. (for Independent Art Fair and Crozier Fine Arts)
The New York based Independent art fair and Crozier Fine Arts have just published ‘The New York Art Market Report‘, compiled by Clare McAndrew, with contributions by Paul Cossu, John Cahill, Jonathan Olsoff,…
ANN: Old Masters – New Generation: Perspectives on the Future of Collecting. Three Panel Discussions (online / IEASA Paris, 1/2/3 Dec 2020, 6pm)
Old Masters – New Generation: Perspectives on the Future of Collecting. Three Panel Discussions (online / IEASA Paris, 1/2/3 Dec 2020, 6pm)
CFP: La visibilité des collections privees (Montpellier, 20 Nov 20)
Call for PapersJournée d’étude – La visibilité des collections privées dans les institutions culturelles publiquesMontpellier, 20 November, 2020Deadline: 15 Jun, 2020 L’Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 et MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, avec le soutien…
CfP: 73rd annual SECAC Conference, Columbus, OH, 25-28 Oct 17
Call for papers for the Southeastern College Art Conference http://www.secacart.org/conference The Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) in Columbus, Ohio, is hosting the 73rd annual SECAC Conference, October 25-28, 2017. The call for paper proposals is available. The…
ANN: Dealing with Nazi-looted Art from Private Estates – Opportunities for Provenance Research and Restitution, 16 Feb, Frankfurt/Main (in German)
KUNSTSAMMLER e.V. Koenigsallee 37A | D – 14193 Berlin Kontakt Dealing with Nazi-looted Art from Private Estates – Opportunities for Provenance Research and Restitution Umgang mit NS-Raubkunst aus Privatbesitz – Möglichkeiten der Provenienzforschung…
CFP : Private Collecting and Public Display: Art Markets and Museums
CALL FOR PAPERS : Private Collecting and Public Display: Art Markets and Museums University of Leeds, 30th-31st March 2017 Deadline for Abstracts: Tuesday 1st November 2016 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Susanna Avery-Quash, Senior Research…