Application deadline reminder!
The next TIAMSA’s Workshop at the CAA 2020 is dedicated to the markets for indeterminate works of art. The goal of this session is to better understand how art market players deal with works whose authorship is unknown or not promoted as such. This open call for proposals relates to the trade of any type of anonymous art objects, from any period of art history.
To participate, please send a short abstract (max 500 words) and a short bio (max 300 words) by 15 November 2019 to Dr Anne-Sophie Radermecker (as.radermecker@gmail.com). Selected projects will be announced by 15 December 2019.”
Read more of this post https://www.artmarketstudies.org/tiamsa-caa-2020-cfp-selling-and-buying-anonymity-how-does-the-art-market-deal-with-indeterminate-works-of-art/#more-9510
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