TIAMSA Member News: Research Seminar – Nuove fonti documentarie su Ludwig Pollak, un protagonista del mercato internazionale dell’arte nella prima metà del ‘900 (Rome, 19 Oct 2023)
New documentary sources on Ludwig Pollak, a protagonist of the international Art Market in the first half of the 20th century. This research seminar will be held in presence and on-line at the…
TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Merchants of Style by Natasha Degen (online, 10 November 2023, 6:30 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its ninth book discussion: Merchants of Style. Author Natasha Degen will discuss her book, followed by a conversation with Véronique Pouillard (University of Oslo) and TIAMSA Co-Chair Véronique Chagnon-Burke (Women…
TIAMSA Member News: ANN – Workshop: 1950-2020: Active Women in the Art Market (Online, 11 Oct 2023)
Online International Workshop11 Oct 2023, from 15h to 18:30p.m. CET Program now available.
ANN: Lost, Found or Vanished: Three Cases of Persian Carpet Provenance in the Lands of the Former Habsburg Empire; Lecture by Dr. Yuka Kadoi (Berlin, 13 Oct 2023)
This talk explores the trajectories of early-modern Persian carpets with contested provenance records. Against a complex socio-cultural backdrop of post-Habsburg Central Europe, it traces the network of object sharing among dealers, private collectors…
ANN: L’art entre les lignes : du collectionneur à la collection (INHA, Paris, 3 Oct 2023)
L’émission autour de l’actualité éditoriale en histoire de l’art revient pour cette séance de rentrée aux côtés de Jean-Baptiste Delorme et Frédérique Lanoë. Ils évoqueront chacun en miroir les regards d’Yvon Lambert et…
CONF: Erwerbungen & Provenienzen Islamischer Kunst 1933-1945 (Archäologisches Zentrum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, 13-14 Oct 2023)
Das Museum für Islamische Kunst zusammen mit dem Zentralarchiv der Staatlichen Museen Berlin, dem Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und dem Deutschen Zentrum Kulturgutverluste veranstaltet am 13. und 14. Oktober…
ANN: Acquisitions and Provenance of Islamic Art between 1933-1945: Current Research and Networking (13-14 Oct 2023)
The Museum für Islamische Kunst in cooperation with the Zentralarchiv of the Staatlichen Museen, Berlin and the Institute of Art History and Musicology at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz will host a workshop titled,“…
CFP: From Linguistic Innovation to Cultural Transformation: Unpacking the Implications of ICOM’s New Museum Definition in Italy and France” (Bologna, 18-19 Mar 2024)
Call for AbstractsWorkshop, University of Bologna, Bologna 18-19 March 2024Deadline: 19 Nov 2023 Cultural heritage has been continuously impacted by innovations, particularly in recentyears, as a result of the digital revolution, the NFT…
ANN: Provenance and Asian Art – A Collaborative Workshop and Symposium (National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, 1-4 Nov 2023)
The National Museum of Asian Art and the Museum für Asiatische Kunst and Zentralarchiv of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz invite you to Provenance and Asian ArtA Collaborative Workshop and…