CFP: Hugo Helbing – Auktionator, Kunsthändler, Sammler, Mäzen, Publizist, Konkurrent, Netzwerker, Bürger – ermordet 1938 (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München, 22-23 Apr 2025)
Der Kunsthändler und Auktionator Hugo Helbing (1863-1938) gehörte einst zu den bekanntesten Exponenten des deutschen Kunsthandels. Nach seiner Ermordung durch die Nationalsozialisten im Zuge der Novemberpogrome 1938 geriet er aber – wie viele…
EXH: Make Way for Berthe Weill: Art Dealer of the Parisian Avant-Garde (NYU, Grey Art Museum, 1 Oct 2024 – 1 Mar 2025)
Make Way for Berthe Weill: Art Dealer of the Parisian Avant-Garde surveys the groundbreaking career of the first woman modern art dealer. Berthe Weill (1865–1951) championed many fledgling masters of modern art early…
CONF: Die Kunsthandlung Julius Böhler in Relation zu Museen und Sammlungen (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München / online, 10-12 Apr 24)
Das Archiv der Kunsthandlung Julius Böhler, das sich seit 2015 im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) befindet, umfasst über 30.000 Karteikarten, ca. 8.000 Fotomappen und knapp 4.000 KundInnenkarten der Münchner Firma (gegr. 1880) sowie…
TIAMSA Member News: ANN: Conversation on Hugo Helbing with Lea Rosh and Johannes Nathan (German Lost Art Foundation / Liebermann-Villa; recording now online; in German)
Hugo Helbing (1863-1938) was one of the leading art dealers and auctioneers in Europe until c. 1933. He also owned a significant art collection. Apart from his main business in Munich, Helbing maintained a…
REMINDER – TIAMSA Live Book Discussion No. 2: Diana J. Kostyrko: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer: René Gimpel 1918-1939 (15 May 2021; 11:00am CET).
A reminder that TIAMSA’s second Live Book Discussion takes place this Saturday 15 May 2021.Via Zoom – 11:00am CEST / 7:00pm AEST / 10:00am BST / 5:00am EDT. Dr Diana Kostyrko, ANU will…
TIAMSA Live Book Discussion No. 2: Diana J. Kostyrko: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer: René Gimpel 1918-1939, Turnhout & London, Harvey Miller/Brepols, 2017.
Every year an impressive number of books dedicated to the art markets are published. Keeping pace with this flow of publications is not necessarily easy, neither is it simple to know in advance…
TIAMSA Member Discount: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer – René Gimpel 1918-1939 by Diana J. Kostyrko
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TIAMSA Member News: PUB Mary Tavinor’s Review of Diana Kostyrko: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer. René Gimpel 1918-1939
TIAMSA member Marie Tavinor (Royal Academy) has just published an extensive review of Diana Kostyrko: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer. René Gimpel 1918-1939, in the Journal of Art Historiography (no. 22,…
TIAMSA Member Julie Codell’s CAA 2020 Panel “The Collector and Cultural Narratives” (Abstracts ed. Julie Codell)
“The Collector and Cultural Narratives”Chair, Julie Codell, Arizona State University From the mid-19th century, a new kind of narrative about private collectors appeared in Europe and the US, e.g., Anna Jameson’s Companion to…